The Viable Trump Alternative, Gary Johnson, Asks “What’s Aleppo?” – IOTW Report

The Viable Trump Alternative, Gary Johnson, Asks “What’s Aleppo?”

Joe Scarborough doesn’t let him off the hook.

ht/ PHenry

18 Comments on The Viable Trump Alternative, Gary Johnson, Asks “What’s Aleppo?”

  1. Driving last Saturday north on I-5 between Olympia and Seattle, there were 5-6 people on an overpass at south Tacoma with a banner, “Elect Gary Johnson!”. First sign I’ve seen anywhere in the area for him. Every cycle has its Pat Paulsen, I guess.

  2. “No one is taking this more seriously than me, I feel horrible,” the governor said. “I have to get smarter, and that’s just part of the process.”

    You just lost on Jeopardy, Maxwell. We don’t have time for you to Get Smart.

  3. I thought he sounded like a retard … now I’m sure.

    America should be ashamed. Ashamed of Johnson, Stein, Clinton, Washer-Woman-Schlutz, Obola, Moose, Reid, McCain, CHEB!, Pelosi, the Media, our Sheepleness, Congress, SCROTUS, Lynch, Comey, de Blasio, Jay Nixon, McCaskill, &c., …

    Maybe it’d be shorter to make a list of whom we SHOULDN’T be ashamed?

    izlamo delenda est …

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