The Vice President That Could Have Been Disagrees With The President That Could Have Been – IOTW Report

The Vice President That Could Have Been Disagrees With The President That Could Have Been


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24 Comments on The Vice President That Could Have Been Disagrees With The President That Could Have Been

  1. She’s a loser. A waist of time. Freaken Bab Boxer beater her. HP employees still hate her. I really don’t need your fund ass to tell me who I need to vote for. Go give Cruz another Blow Job. Maybe he’ll finally endorse.

  2. I like her and don’t like her. She’s squishy on immigration and muslims being brought here. That being said, she’s absolutely right.
    AND if she had been the nominee, I’d vote for her without blinking an eye over illary.

  3. Hey Joe. I was doing work for HP durring her rein. She was the responsible for bringing in the Indian to replace American workers. She’s the idiot that thought buying Compaq was a brilliant idea. Nothing in her wake but bad judgement.

  4. She was a terrible candidate and the only reason I can think she was on the GOPe roster is because of the woman card. That’s the only reason she was in on the main debates. I do wonder how many of these late comers think they are improving their odds at relevancy once Trump is in.

  5. @Molon (I can’t make those characters on my laptop) —

    I think the only reason she is ‘endorsing’ Trump is out of self-interest. She was a third stringer with non-existent support, so it’s really more to her benefit her name and Trump’s appear together in a news article. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was her own press release.

  6. @ Brad_Brad….her endorsement sounds like flip flops on a tile floor….LOL….I told your descriptions of that kind of event to a biker friend of mine and I ain’t sure he’s done laughing….

  7. I give up. I don’t really much give a fuck anymore. You guys all seem to shit on people who once disagreed with someone on some minor matter, yet you don’t seem to consider that it is the Country that we are trying to save. You can all stick your ammo up your asses because when the shit hits the fan, and some and some American farmer shoots some muslim,or prick, or darkie, or some white motherfucker,invading his home, the police will arrest him. And, guilty or innocent, his life as a free American will be destroyed. Ruined. Don’t listen to these tough guys, if you shoot someone, even in self defense, your life is ruined, I mean ruined.
    You have to get a lawyer , go to court. do this do that. Believe me , my fellow Americans, your better of getting your fucking heads chopped off than depending, in my case, of having a Schumer, a Gillibrand, or a Lowery protect me.

  8. (from the article)
    ”NeverTrumpers feel betrayed at her endorsement.”



    TO AA
    You can always “copy/paste” his name, if you ever need to.

  9. I’m wondering: since Carly is a woman, is she automatically exempt from being called sexist for her failure to endorse Hillary?

    One of the things I hate about modern life is that the rules of engagement have gotten so screwy.

  10. bho is a four letter word,
    I own a precision machine shop. We’ve been in biz 30 years. We use to specialize in Aerospace, Semi Conductor and RF work. HP had an RF division. We kept watching all of our work march off shore or disappear so we started developing our own product 7 years ago. AR platform rifles.

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