The Virtue Signaller of All Signallers – IOTW Report

The Virtue Signaller of All Signallers

Unwarranted guilt has gotten to her somehow.

She says: -White privilege is being able to go into the cosmetics section and know you will find your foundation color.

I say: >>Stores do not deliberately not stock items to screw over paying customers. And my guess, by the looks of her PARENTS house, the maids and nannies are the only POC in her neighborhood.

-White privilege is not having to have difficult conversations with your young children about race and racism, and there are people in the world who will hate them solely because they have a bit more melanin in their skin.

>> Maybe your parents didn’t have a race convo because you never come in contact with anyone but the country club sect. You seem to despise people with a lack of melanin in their skin, for no reason except your bigotry.

-White privilege is being able to grow up and own dolls that look like you, and see Disney princesses that look like you.

>> You’re describing you, Barbie. And, again, no manufacturer is going to miss a lucrative demographic because of racism. There was no conspiracy against blacks. If the dolls sold like hotcakes they would make them.

-White privilege is knowing you can walk into a salon and know their is a stylist competent in styling your texture of hair.

>> Dear Blondie, it is called supply and demand. My hamburger stand in India was a flop. It’s not “privilege” to be surrounded by your culture. It just makes sense. You say it like it’s something to be ashamed of because it’s nefarious.

-White privilege is being pulled over by a cop and the only thing you’re nervous about getting a speeding ticket instead of worrying you might say or do something that will get you killed/

>> When did a black person “say something” that got them killed? I’ll wait. And yes, many have “done” something that got them killed, justifiably. Whites and blacks have both been killed unjustifiably by the police.

-White privilege is not being followed around a store because the color of your skin says you might steal something.

>> Where are the stores closing down because theft is making the stores unprofitable?

-White privilege is being the benefit of that doubt in lots of situations because you look like a nice person

>> What? Are you saying non-whites don’t look like nice people? You just said the quiet part out loud. M-Muffy.

-White privilege is being able to travel to any country in the world and being welcomed by the people who live there.

>> What? Not sure this is true.

-White privilege is interviewing for a job and not having to worry about your natural hair, or if the interviewer has already written you off because of the color of your slin.

>> Haha. This isn’t 1925. But I bet it is in your house.

-If you could choose to be black, would you?

Her answer outs her as a bigot

38 Comments on The Virtue Signaller of All Signallers

  1. I’m curious as fck who actually wrote all this. It’s certainly not included in the link or the video the way it usually is. Who wrote this

    “Unwarranted guilt has gotten to her somehow.

    She says: -White privilege is being able to go into the cosmetics section and know you will find your foundation color.

    I say: >>Stores do not deliberately not stock items to screw over paying customers. And my guess, by the looks of her PARENTS house, the maids and nannies are the only POC in her neighborhood.

    -White privilege is not having to have difficult conversations with your young children about race and racism, and there are people in the world who will hate them solely because they have a bit more melanin in their skin.

    >> Maybe your parents didn’t have a race convo because you never come in contact with anyone but the country club sect. You seem to despise people with a lack of melanin in their skin, for no reason except your bigotry.

    -White privilege is being able to grow up and own dolls that look like you, and see Disney princesses that look like you.

    >> You’re describing you, Barbie. And, again, no manufacturer is going to miss a lucrative demographic because of racism. There was no conspiracy against blacks. If the dolls sold like hotcakes they would make them.

    -White privilege is knowing you can walk into a salon and know their is a stylist competent in styling your texture of hair.

    >> Dear Blondie, it is called supply and demand. My hamburger stand in India was a flop. It’s not “privilege” to be surrounded by your culture. It just makes sense. You say it like it’s something to be ashamed of because it’s nefarious.

    -White privilege is being pulled over by a cop and the only thing you’re nervous about getting a speeding ticket instead of worrying you might say or do something that will get you killed/

    >> When did a black person “say something” that got them killed? I’ll wait. And yes, many have “done” something that got them killed, justifiably. Whites and blacks have both been killed unjustifiably by the police.

    -White privilege is not being followed around a store because the color of your skin says you might steal something.

    >> Where are the stores closing down because theft is making the stores unprofitable?

    -White privilege is being the benefit of that doubt in lots of situations because you look like a nice person

    >> What? Are you saying non-whites don’t look like nice people? You just said the quiet part out loud. M-Muffy.

    -White privilege is being able to travel to any country in the world and being welcomed by the people who live there.

    >> What? Not sure this is true.

    -White privilege is interviewing for a job and not having to worry about your natural hair, or if the interviewer has already written you off because of the color of your slin.

    >> Haha. This isn’t 1925. But I bet it is in your house.

    -If you could choose to be black, would you?

    Her answer outs her as a bigot”

  2. Boy, she left out the best parts of white privilege;

    Having to pay for groceries and cosmetics when many black folks get it for free.

    Having to study your ass off only to lose that college spot…for diversity.

    Being on the force, getting perfect yearly efficiency reports, and spending all your downtime studying for a management position only to be told,”Sorry, pal, you are too white”.

    Having to wait at the end of the line for your Covid shot (If you are into that sort of thing) until all the “protected class” folks got theirs.

    Not being allowed to riot.

    Removing every “N” word in your vocabulary for fear that a person of color might hear something (wrong) that they could club you for.

    The privilege of being called racist for any action or speech, depending on the motivation of the recipient.

  3. I’m gonna tell you straight up that I’ve seen this show up on reservations so many times thinking they were there to save the Tribal members from the very white people Tribal members who get up in the morning and actually do something of value warm up to.

    The only place on any Rez they gain any traction is with the See You Next Tuesdays who are exploiting their own people. NDNs can see right through this act and reject it with prejudice. I can go on any Rez and make friends. There are a lot of individuals who can’t. If you can go on one and have Tribal members warm up to you, you can go on any Rez and do the same. They will sort you out pronto and having known the character of many who have tried to worm in, an NDN’s ability to very quickly sort the unworthy is spot on.

    This bitch would not make a single friend on any Rez. She might think she has, but the ones she is accepted by aren’t fit company. Fact is, neither side of such arrangements has any capacity for friendship.

  4. They should start doing makeup more like buying paint at the hardware store, they’ll just mix up whatever shade you want. I’m sure the bimbo in the video won’t mind paying more so everyone can get the exact shade they need.

  5. “Fuck her in the mouth…” Maybe. Maybe extreme. I’m more inclined to blame the parents than the kid. Even at that age. And the parents might very well lean right. That gives them no excuse for abandoning their daughters indoctrination. .

  6. @Brad ~ “I’m curious as fck who actually wrote all this. It’s certainly not included in the link or the video the way it usually is. Who wrote this”

    I may be wrong … usually am …. buuuuuuuut, I believe it was the person that posted this.

    btw, having forced myself to watch this cow bloviate on for several minutes, the least I want to do is hit that putty-face w/ a pie
    (envisioning few suitors in her future … & cats … lots of cats)

    … a cast-iron frying pan, ala Merrie Melodies, to the face … resulting in a skillet-shaped flat face …. ‘yeah …. that would be greaaaaaaaat.’

  7. In Waldorf, MD, all the cosmetic stuff for negroes was in lock boxes. It didn’t matter where you went, wallyworld, CVS, target… and I left MD in 2017. Razor blades were also locked up.

    In MO sparking plugs are locked up, or behind the counter.

    Asswipes are asswipes, but…

  8. I can only gather that negroes steal fake nails and hair extensions, errybody steals razors, and rednecks steal sparking plugs.

    Who would have thunk it?

  9. Obviously she hasn’t been to the cosmetics counter in over 30 years nor the drug store. There are about 2 dozen cosmetic lines black-owned and geared to POC. Fashion Fair for one has been around since I was in high school and that was 50 years ago.

    Black Barbies and baby dolls have been around for as long as I can remember. My problem was finding a Barbie with auburn hair like mine. I expect her neighborhood did not carry anything but bubble headed blonde Barbies.

    Is she stuck in some odd time warp or Menlo Park or Billionaire’s Row?

  10. Another bleating sheeple – unable to think for itself and so cut off from the actual universe that it believes the bullshit it’s ingested from the propaganda maggots.
    Damned shame, really.
    Hair do?
    Breaking the speed limit?

    Man, talk about shallow.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. It may not be her parent’s fault. It could be her teachers and peers. Anyway, she should travel to different countries and hitch-hike around. She then might appreciate this country a little more.

  12. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    AT 10:57 PM

    “In MO sparking plugs are locked up, or behind the counter.”

    …that’s to prevent a different kind of theft…part of a spark plug, not gonna go into how, can be used to break into cars without tools or leaving fingerprints or anything that even a diligent officer could find.

    It says something about the mentality of a thief that they won’t spend $5 for a theft tool so you can short circuit a string of car break-ins by simply preventing a single spark plug theft…

  13. White privilege is walking walking at night in the city. I used to have that privilege but not any more. A real privilege would be watching the girl do that, from a safe location. She might even get away with it a couple of times.

  14. She should be attacking their hair and how it cost more money to make kinky hair straight – like you. Just ask any black woman. Those weaves are costly. I enjoy watching them fly during chimp-out brawls. It’s hilarious watching whites try to be knee-grows.


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