The Voters Hate Her, But Ronna’s Friend$ Still Love Her – IOTW Report

The Voters Hate Her, But Ronna’s Friend$ Still Love Her

Iowa GOP Chair Proclaims Support for Ronna McDaniel – Everyone in the RNC Business Wants McDaniel, Except the Voters.

CTH: U.S. political parties operate as a business.  Both wings of the business are private corporations.  The professionals inside the industry have a vested financial interest in retaining the business model.  The needs of the corporation are the priority, voters are annoying. MORE

14 Comments on The Voters Hate Her, But Ronna’s Friend$ Still Love Her

  1. Every time I got a letter begging for money I send it back with a nice little note telling them to GET FU*KED! I will support ONLY the candidates of my choice and directly to them. I will no longer support your RINOS!

  2. I told the RNC to F off in a returned contribution envelope 2 years ago. I guess they got the message because that was the last mailing I got from them. Then I unsubscribed from their email and that settled that. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’d jump back on board but only after a successful elimination of a herd of RINOs.

  3. Both parties represent the same corporations, not their bases and they could care less if we stop giving them money since the SCOTUS decision in the Obama era. They also get 30%+ of the money given to candidates directly. They blackmail everyone running to give them their fundraising lists and in return they often get no support. Virtually impossible to take back either party at this point.

  4. @Anonymous November 27, 2022 at 11:57 am

    > Virtually impossible to take back either party at this point.

    “Virtually” is why The People(TM) have been lost, for over a century.

  5. @Jethro November 27, 2022 at 11:13 am

    > Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Why do you think “we” live in a Republic(TM), not a Democracy(TM)?

    (I wrote “live in”. Not “were sold”.)

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