The Weeping Juan Doll – IOTW Report

The Weeping Juan Doll

24 Comments on The Weeping Juan Doll

  1. That’s not to far from the truth. ICE suspects Fake Parent waaay up there. That’s why they want DNA tests. Also the critters showing up at the boarder are about 60% OTM. Other Than Mexican. Thank about that.

  2. I want at least Juan, maybe tu!
    Do they make a bobble-head model?

    p.s. Weeping? Weeping is something done more or less quietly. Juan looks like he’s wailing, squalling, or bawling.

    p.p.s. Juan bawl in the corner pocket!

  3. AS soon as I saw JUAN I KNEW where this was going!

    Just another reason I stopped watching FOX about ten years ago? WHY watch?


  4. @ BFH – forgot to say great job BUT usually there is a button to press in the plastic over the mouth…to here the crying….wyhhhh….wyhhh.


  5. Haven’t heard this many crying kids since the last wallyworld bus shopping trip three days ago.
    A 3 hour tour.

    They pretty much sound the same everywhere.
    Ever listen to the conversations?
    Put that down. Stop it. Mommy said No. . .
    . . .and then the wailing begins.
    Everytime. Listen for yourself.

  6. It’s very strange. Those “immigrant” children were saying “Mommy” and “Daddy” with perfect Westernized diction. Shouldn’t the majority of them be calling for their “Madre y Padre” with heavy Spanish accents?
    I suspect those recordings are more fake news. Mastermind by the left, using anchor kids born in this country. Don’t put anything past the left.

  7. @ 99th – No…it’s more like ‘momi’ or maybe ‘popee’…is more like it….IF there is a popee to begin with.

    Don’t watch TV so have not seen ONE cryin’ ‘child’


  8. @ghost of col j glover. Really? I thought of that, but I also thought it would be more likely a Puerto Rican or Cuban to say, “momi” and “popee”. Learn something new… Even more proof recorrdings are leftist fake garbage.


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