The Well-Deserved Comedic Assault on Will Smith Already Started – IOTW Report

The Well-Deserved Comedic Assault on Will Smith Already Started

Red State

There is no escaping the verbal arse-kicking Will Smith is now going to take and he deserves every bit of it.

If you are one of those people, though, who feels that he was totally justified in defending his wife over such a lame joke you are part of the problem in this country today. Everyone understands the need to protect a loved one from any sort of attack. Yet this was not a life-and-death matter — this was, at worst, a lame joke. Your feelings being hurt are not a reason to commit an assault on someone.

Instead of laughing at the joke at first which was caught on camera, Smith could have a gussied-up the acting bit and just frowned at Rock. Then after the show or at one of the afterparties, he could have pulled Chris aside and told him he didn’t find it funny. Smith has now given the impression that your feelings are all that matter and your reaction is always justified. More

Ryan Long and accomplices posted a personal message to Will Smith months ago. I take it more as a commentary on Hollywood values than an assault on the Smiths, but the true is out there and it can hurt when closely examined. Watch

50 Comments on The Well-Deserved Comedic Assault on Will Smith Already Started

  1. I don’t care. If someone talks shit about my wife’s appearance they will get all the ass beating I am still capable of, ESPECIALLY if it’s due to a health issue. She’s been through WAY too much to have to put up with assholes like THAT.

    …if that makes ME part of the problem, then I’m part of the problem.

    You leave my family the fuck alone or one of us ain’t walking home that night.

  2. Heh. Such strong convictions from the anti-Smith-behavior crowd. And such a distraction from the ongoing, multi-front Apocolypse…

    But consider this. Will Smith set a precedent last night. The Hollywood crap needs to stop.

    (Personally, I’m with SNS. And I would have knocked the SOB clean out.)

  3. Considering these are people who lie for a living, and all these award shows are scripted tv shows, I say it was 100% staged.
    Also, I wouldn’t put it past Hollywood to be paying a little homage to their masters.
    You see quite a bit of this crap on Chinese tv.
    Hollywood’s got to try a get those ratings out of the shitter.

  4. When you slap some dude to defend your wife’s honor only to draw the spotlight onto the many, many dishonorable acts committed by your wife.

    How else would I have known Jada banged one of the Criss Cross kidz when he was only 15.

    Probably not the reaction he was going for.

  5. Two actors. Trying to improve the dismal viewership/ratings of the Oscars. And everyone falling for it hook, line, and sinker. THEY’RE ACTORS! That’s what they do! They’ll probably both be nominated for the award next year for their performance. I hear Jussie Smullett opened a lawsuit on both of them for plagiarism.

  6. Here is the conundrum I find myself in; I don’t care about the Oscars, I don’t care about Hollywood, I don’t care about the vapid dumbass people that make up the entertainment(?) industry, and I don’t care about “the culture” writ large because it is made up of people I despise and practices morality antithetical to my own.

    Yet, in the society where I live it is impossible to escape or avoid the going’s on of 2 marginal inconsequential people. I can’t turn on the radio, my computer, or the TV without non-stop magpie chatter about this event and the opinions of those that find either the event or the people involved as at all relevant.

    Somebody find me a cave (or another place to live) where the news of the day is not permeated with such worthless mindnumbing shit.

  7. This whole event was staged and probably practiced….The “Hollywood” slap would have been known to be fake unless Will Smith went to the F bomb defense of his wife after a dirty look. Before that he was laughing….ACTING!…. and scene….

    Covid, another covid and another. Economy in distress. Ukraine, now Will Smith bitch slaps Chris Rock “Hollywood” style…FFS….The whole world are cats chasing a laser pointer right now and Biden is the President….

  8. It seems I’ve read that alopecia is many times a self inflicted problem. Something to do with tight braids leading to the problem. If that’s the case it doesn’t really sound like a health problem, it just sounds like someone might have messed up their hair. I’ve never had braids or cornrows so I don’t know.

  9. Rich Taylor, would invite you to our little house here where I am waiting for the washing machine to stop so I can hang up my hubby’s clothes on the clothesline. It’s a perfect drying day and a bluejay is looking for some peanuts

  10. Joe6pack, it’s true.
    Those weaves destroy the real hair.
    A lot of black women go bald from them.
    They’re gross. You can’t wash them like natural hair. They’re dirty.

  11. I don’t pay attention to Hollywood. But because of Will Smith’s actions last night, I now know that he is a cuck that allows his wife to sleep around. And his acceptance speech was so cringe-worthy!

  12. This is a by product of WOKE and the eventual decline of societal norms. The decay of self respect, respect for your wife, respect for other peoples wives. It’s inevitable. Fuck them all. They have little bearing on my life.

  13. After Will “Sissy Smacked” Chris, he lip synced his horrendous to this day jiggy song at the after party. It doesn’t get any more cuck than that!

  14. I’m surprised CNN didn’t report that Chris Rock made a hideous joke about Mrs. Smith dying and then left the stage to slap her in the face.

    Yeah, we don’t care about Hollywood, but sometimes even the weather reports manage to take over the news. It will be just as soon forgotten by most people.

    (Apparently Will Smith had no issues with the joke at the rehearsal conducted the day before air time.)

  15. My mind goes to President Trump and his wife, after all a jokes a joke, right? The reaction of Smith proves that our nation is now one of men not laws. The reactions of those that feel its fine to respond to mean words with physical violence? Have you heard Biden speak lately? Buckle up, after all it’s righteous to defend your love, human or country?

  16. Will Smith is a cuck. He is more worried about his wife’s name in Chris Rock’s mouth than he is with all of the strange cock in his wife’s mouth. She is a bald headed whore and imma call her a bald headed whore. Hair prolly got rubbed off from her head being pile drived into the pillow/headboard/mattress.

  17. It so nice that Jayden introduced his Mom to rapper August Alsina.
    “Hey mom, give my man August a try. He pounded me out a few times when we got high.”

    It really is sad that I know about some of this shit.
    Like Rich Taylor said above, ” impossible escape or avoid “

  18. Is alopecia going to kill the whore? No. The medical condition angle doesn’t need to be leaned on as hard as some are doing. Technically, a runny nose is a medical condition as well. So fuck off with that noise.

    Now as to the defending one’s wife angle. That’s a personal judgement call as to how it should be handled. If there are repercussions because of the choice that one makes, nut up and deal with them. I don’t want to hear about it.

    And finally, fuck her if she can’t take a joke. Oh wait, quite a few already have.

  19. Everyone knows that avalanche of pedo crimes are about to be made public very, very soon. Child abuse has long been rampant in Hollywood. Ask any former child actor. These people are evil.

  20. Fuck that. Smith’s wife admitted on video that she cheated with one of her sons friends and Will didn’t do shit. But NOW he decides to dish out punishment when his slut wife is made fun of. If I was Chris Rock, I would have shoved the microphone so far up Smith’s ass, he would need a dentist to extract it. Jada Pinkett Smith is nothing more than a pedophile and a whore, and Will Smith is a Cuck.

    That said, It’s Homowood. You can’t expect civilized behavior from a bunch of self entitled elites who think they are better than the rest of the population.

  21. This is another example of people proving the old white racists correct in their understanding. It is unfortunate that it happened and particularly unfortunate that it was most likely purely set up and rehearsed. If you’re going to have people behave that way at your highest honoring award party, a stuffed shirt show like no other, you might find a biker party to be more fun to go with the slappy.

  22. Seaoh March 28, 2022 at 3:05 pm

    That slap was the fakist thing I have seen on TV since the 2020 election

    Yours was the first response and only response I have read so far. Good response–so true. It was staged and they’re getting the response they’re looking for. Another reason I don’t own a TV.

  23. Don’t the host always roast the actors. This was a joke just like other jokes told that night making fun of others. Maybe Rock didn’t know she had alopecia issues, you address it backstage and then Rock can apologize for not knowing her condition.
    Maybe at worse you go up on stage and give Rock a piece of your mind, but now Smith looks like the crazy guy that thinks it is ok to hit a colleague. It was weird how Smith laughed eventually and Jada wasn’t amused, then Smith puts on his tough act.

  24. Your just a bad, when your in love & can’t help yourself! I was there!
    Would do just about anything DUMB! So yeah, love can suck the big one.
    You think your better, think again! Chris Rock is AN ASS! A friend humiliates you in a public setting. Will should of knocked him out or on his ass!

  25. So many Conservative(TM) an heroes!

    Protecting the Rights(TM), of hoors to hoor!

    Because Hoors Rights, Are Humyn Rights(TM)!

    (It’s in The Bible. Jesus said so. They’ve got the MP3s.)

  26. What a low-life. What an egomaniac.
    To do what he did in front of the world, on a night he was being honored. They should shove that Oscar up his ass and light it on fire.

  27. Will has now apologized to everyone on his Instagram (He shut off comments. LOL!) and bravely labeled himself, “A work in progress.”

    Cucks gonna cuck…


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