The Wheels on the Bus Burst into Flames – IOTW Report

The Wheels on the Bus Burst into Flames

Daily Caller

The Biden administration is poised to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidize the purchase of electric school buses despite the tendency of e-buses to catch fire.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made an additional $500 million available to help rebate recipients to transform their school bus fleets from diesel to electric, a round of funding that builds upon an earlier $1 billion made available via the program, the EPA announced Thursday. Several electric buses have caught fire across the country in recent months, a trend mostly attributable to malfunctions in their lithium-ion batteries, according to the Institute for Energy Research. More

16 Comments on The Wheels on the Bus Burst into Flames

  1. Biden spends a billion dollars like it’s a $20 bill. Throwing it away on a technology that’s proven to be inefficient, dangerous and unworkable. Where do they think the electricity necessary to charge these vehicles comes from? How much fossil fuel do they think is necessary to produce the vehicles and batteries? How much damage to the environment is done mining the rare earth materials necessary to produce the batteries in the first place? Leftists have tunnel vision and never consider the big picture. Bottom line, their “climate initiatives” are nothing more than a method by which they assume more power/control over the people and a way to launder money that somehow finds its way back to politicians advocating this nonsense. We are headed toward total collapse if things do not change soon.

  2. I come from a rural area of Wisconsin. Small towns. Small schools. Most of the bus drivers were local farmers. Cold weather equals reduced range for these buses. Is Puddin Brain going to pay for a separate metered pole and charging station to charge these buses during the day and evening since the farmers keep them at their place of residence? Are they going to have enough reserve power to keep the kids from freezing to death when those buses get caught in snow drifts during blizzard weather while waiting for a snowplow to rescue them?

  3. Next they will be putting solar panels on top of the busses to charge the batteries when the power grid goes down. Large school districts with a lot of busses will need diesel gensets to supplement undersized substations.
    One big f’ing idea after another. After all of this, the kids will still not be able to read, do math, or sign their names in cursive.

  4. And now modern-day kids will have to walk to school 5 miles uphills and downhills backwards in 5 ft. of snow just like their great, great grandparents did back in their day. Oh, the humanity and the stupidity of the Biden administration which knows no bounds. FJB!

  5. I witnessed an electric city bus burning in Sugarland along IH-59 on the outskirts of Houston. It looked as if the earth had opened up and was spewing molten lava into the sky. It was one of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

  6. Pogo Saturday, 30 September 2023, 12:34 at 12:34 pm

    Well done, Pogo!

    An honorable salute, and the tip of this American’s hat to the school system, parental upbringing (wherever applicable) and the impressive display of his critical thinking ability as an American!

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