The “White Hate” Media Hoax of 2019 – IOTW Report

The “White Hate” Media Hoax of 2019

This is the video that started it all.

“White Catholic kids surrounding indigenous peoples and harassing them with their white hatred.”

Turns out the kids were minding their own business and chanting their school anthem on the steps of the Lincoln memorial when these loons approached them with their drumming and chanting.

Their biggest offense was that they were wearing MAGA hats.

But this information hasn’t stopped Kathy Griffin calling for the high school kids to be doxxed.

Some guy I never heard of, Wheeler Walker, who is supposed to be somebody, sent this message out to his, obviously, stupid sycophants-

THIS is why these kids were targeted, found and set up by the media-


If you watch the full length video, it basically shows this:

1. Excited young high school kids (14 – 18) waiting for their buses
2. Two activist groups: One black zealots the other, Indians drum beaters
3. Black activist group target the the teens first with racist, homophobic slurs and other vile comments (they use the term “nigger” frequently against one of the black teens)
4. Indian drum beating group shows up and works their way into the teen crowd, targeting the teens with racist language and vile comments (the drummer is only one of several mixed with the teens)
5. Teens do act a bit silly (after all they are teens) but do not get aggressive or offensive
6. The buses show up and the excited kids chant “Let’s Go Home” and run to their rides

It is the protesters that targeted the teens with hateful actions, the teens did nothing wrong. Now they are under investigation and may be expelled because they are white MAGA Hat wearing Christians.

16 Comments on The “White Hate” Media Hoax of 2019

  1. I posted about this on Facebook a little while ago and got some pushback.
    Latest, from AP, is that the youth were from a Catholic school in Kentucky and were in DC for the March for Life. Also that they ended up singing together with the Indigenous People, as AP called them.
    A mom, whose kid is in my youth group but never attends, questioned whether as a youth counselor I should question the Leftist trope. I told her I teach to look for truth. She ran.

  2. If you watch the full length video, it basically shows this:

    1. Excited young high school kids (14 – 18) waiting for their buses
    2. Two activist groups: One black zealots the other, Indians drum beaters
    3. Black activist group target the the teens first with racist, homophobic slurs and other vile comments (they use the term “nigger” frequently against one of the black teens)
    4. Indian drum beating group shows up and works their way into the teen crowd, targeting the teens with racist language and vile comments (the drummer is only one of several mixed with the teens)
    5. Teens do act a bit silly (after all they are teens) but do not get aggressive or offensive
    6. The buses show up and the excited kids chant “Let’s Go Home” and run to their rides

    It is the protesters that targeted the teens with hateful actions, the teens did nothing wrong. Now the teens are under investigation and may be expelled because they were targeted while being white Christians, some wearing MAGA hats.

  3. More proof that the news and the history being written by the Democrat Media Mafia is full of lies with a determination to make white Christians (especially males) look evil.
    Visit TheGatewayPundit to learn more about how evil white Leftists are doxxing teenagers, asking for violence against these innocent boys, etc. And Twitter, so quick to strip decent people of access, does nothing to account for the evil of these asses.

  4. If you’re going to put on your dress uniform… and parade through enemy territory… but you don’t expect to be attacked… well, let’s just call it a learning experience.

  5. As a proud conservative Cat-lick, I left a e-mail message with the Archdiocese of Cincinatti and will be calling the school when it opens on Tuesday.

    Those dam idiots decided to fall their sword for this in taking a stand against the student ‘behaviour’ NOT knowing the whole story and believing FAKE news.

    The church is to busy creating safe spaces for illegals who need to fill the pews in the dwindling church numbers.

    Joan of Arcs executioners would be sooo proud.

  6. @ BFH – Benjamin Isaac Hoffman (born December 13, 1974) is an American comedian, actor and writer. He is also a country music singer, performing under the name Wheeler Walker Jr.

    Let’s send a message!

  7. Once again, the professional Indian/Negro groups are able to foment trouble for innocent white kids less than half their age. That’s the only way for them to have an even intellectual playing field.

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