The Whole World is Watching – IOTW Report

The Whole World is Watching

Patriot Retort:

During the 1968 Democrat National Convention in Chicago, the anti-war demonstrators facing off with Chicago Police began chanting “The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!”

And the whole world was watching.

In fact, the whole world is still watching what goes on in America.

America’s allies and, worse, America’s enemies watch everything that goes on here.

On March 17, 2020, I wrote a column titled “China exploits our PC culture to spread disinformation” in which I wrote:

You think America’s enemies are unaware of our weaknesses?

They know exactly where we’re weak.

And the West’s knee-jerk PC culture is one of our greatest weaknesses.

It isn’t at all surprising that the Chicoms are exploiting it both to absolve themselves of culpability and to paint themselves as victims of “racism” and “xenophobia.”

It was true at the start of the Wuhan Pandemic. And it is doubly true today.

We have an administration that is tying itself into knots over non-sensical PC garbage. And the whole world is watching. more

8 Comments on The Whole World is Watching

  1. So many aspects of our “culture” have weakened us over the past 50 years. During WWII we had tough people who survived the depression and we won the war with them, both men and women. Look what we have now…millions of sick and disturbed people, homeless diseased freaks, queers, perverts, arsonists, drug gangsters, baby-killers, atheists, military run by fools, etc., etc.

    Biden is a joke which started the whole world laughing.

  2. Thank you you useful idiots who were so offended by the REAL President, President Trump’s tweets, that you said “I’ll show him. I’m going to vote for Biden.”

    That illogical, emotion based action caused more harm than any misperceived, misunderstood tweet ever could. Your feelings will be the death of this country.

    Although, there really weren’t enough of you useful idiots to vote him into office, but there were, and are, enough of you to believe the false narrative that made him possible. The China flu may have taken a half a million Americans’ lives, but you UI’s have made it possible to take 330 million Americans’ freedom. You who get your news from NPR, NBC and Facebook, wear your mask with ignorant, self-pleasing smugness, and tell yourself how smart and righteous you are.

    Pay no attention to the little puppet parading as the leader of the free world. Because behind the curtain, is the real leader, the great and powerful, Wizard of Sor-AHHHS. He is your “good shepherd”. He will lead you into temptation and deliver you into evil. He is the one who will kill you without you even knowing it, at best – or admitting it, at worst.

  3. If it didn’t scare me to fear for my country then it would be the biggest laugh I’ve ever had.

    I would scream laughing while yelling about the “Peter principle” and getting what you wish for. But it’s like everyone knows they’re idiots but still won’t stop them.

    The stolen election with no consequences or even insight into it’s occurrence have struck a new low.


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