The Wile E. Coyote Party – IOTW Report

The Wile E. Coyote Party

Don’t you love it when a plan falls apart?

11 Comments on The Wile E. Coyote Party

  1. The sun will sputter out before the D party returns to common sense and reality. Keep your eyes open and the video recorder running as we will all experience the hysteria to 11+ come November 2020, and beyond.

  2. Apparently desperate times call for desperate measures.
    Not well thought out desperate measures.
    Actually, really stupid desperate measures.

    Nothing else has worked against orange man. We must conjure up more, increasingly imbecilic desperate measures.

    Prediction. This week will produce a couple more. The week after will be three more.

    Not even popcorn worthy.

  3. I would not be suprised if this was orchestrated by Obama & the Clintons to take out Joe and have Pres Trump and the R’s get blamed for it – I wonder who the Dem power elite are looking to anoint as the nominee? Warren? Somebody else?

  4. Democommunists have had their way for so long, playing against the ‘controlled opposition’ RINOs that they’ve lost even the vestiges of their original evil brilliance. All that is left is the evil. The internet has also really jacked these asses up, MSM complete air superiority is gone, like a fart in the wind. It used to be, they’d come up with some radically stupid and damaging line and the RINOs would shrivel, the MSM would pile on, and the damage would be done.

    Trump don’t play that, and internet platform folks who stand to make a ton of money finding out the truth are ON the CASE! The commies are flummoxed, their lapdogs in media are diddleheaded, the narrative doesn’t fly anymore and it appears that if brains were dynamite the whole group couldn’t blow a sick whore off a pisspot.

  5. Democommunists have had their way for so long, playing against the ‘controlled opposition’ RINOs that they’ve lost even the vestiges of their original evil brilliance. All that is left is the evil. The internet has also really jacked these asses up, MSM complete air superiority is gone, like a fart in the wind. It used to be, they’d come up with some radically stupid and damaging line and the RINOs would shrivel, the MSM would pile on, and the damage would be done.

    Trump don’t play that, and internet platform folks who stand to make a ton of money finding out the truth are ON the CASE! The commies are flummoxed, their lapdogs in media are diddleheaded, the narrative doesn’t fly anymore and it appears that if brains were dynamite the whole group couldn’t blow a sick whore off a pisspot.

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