The Wit And Wisdom Of Barack Obama – IOTW Report

The Wit And Wisdom Of Barack Obama

Someone compiled what they claim to be Obama’s top 10 jokes. Unlike past presidents, the self-referential humor (I mean come on, it’s Obama, of course he’s going to refer to himself) actually has gotten funnier over the years.

There’s one joke in particular, about his own looks, that struck me as the moment he fired his comedy writer. Watch

21 Comments on The Wit And Wisdom Of Barack Obama

  1. Okay, none of ’em were knee slappers, but most of ’em were at least somewhat amusing. Look, I thought Obama’s administration was a freakin’ disaster, but so was the Bush Jr. administration that preceded it. If you have to bash the man, at least bash him for something that really matters. There’s too much anger on both sides of the aisle these days.

  2. Plutonium Kid,

    I understand what you’re getting at and generally agree. It’s just that my contempt for the man is so deep, I just won’t allow it. He did great harm to this nation and would have done more.

  3. I appreciate the attempt at self deprecating humor. I lost count of how many snarky jabs at others actually turned out to be true.

    @Plutonium Kid
    Had obama retired with quiet dignity and respected the office he was blessed to hold for 8 yrs, rather than acting as a global Shadow Ruler over Trump, I might agree with you. Sadly that’s not the character of the man known as obama.

  4. I despise his lies and his presidency. But I recently watched his episode on Seinfeld’s “Comedians in cars getting coffee” on Netflix, and it was pretty funny.


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