The Woman Micah X Sexually Harassed – IOTW Report

The Woman Micah X Sexually Harassed

The Dallas shooter was pushed out of the army because he was a pervert. He stalked women and stole their panties.

Somehow he was honorably discharged. Here is the soldier, Anna Ma, who filed a protection order against Micah X that led him to being sent stateside from Afghanistan.

Normally we wouldn’t post a victim’s image, but it’s important to do so in this case because, otherwise, #BLM jerks will say the story was fabricated.article-3682619-361DDD4A00000578-126_308x475

  • Dallas gunman Micah Johnson was accused of stalking a female soldier
  • Army reservist was sent home from Afghanistan after Anna Ma made claim
  • She begged for a protection order after he allegedly sexually harassed her 
  • Johnson’s colleague said he was a ‘pervert’ and ‘stole girls’ panties’ 
  • Despite the allegations, he left the Army with an honourable discharge
  • Johnson shot 12 police officers, killing five, during rampage on Thursday

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13 Comments on The Woman Micah X Sexually Harassed

  1. Once again the ugly face of reverse discrimination rears its head; anyone else would have been thrown out of the Army on their ass. Oops, anyone of a different color.


  2. The “Honorable Discharge” baffles me. What does our HD’s mean if he got one?
    But at least they got him out of the service and probably prevented another Major Nidal Hasan “workplace violence” attack.
    Where have all the Generals gone?

  3. Any discharge other that honorable would also have halted his background check for a firearm purchase. If he purchased his gun legally.

    So, like the Orlando terrorist, it is the fault of the federal government that this happened. I will not let Obama or Hillary say its my fault.

  4. The human element. The workload of paperwork required for other separations then honorable rests with the admin staff. Its not just a box on the form to check. The type or job the units in the reserve do in non combat arms and the ranks of those units tend to be filled with soldiers looking for education benefits or other perks and filled by enlistees within a fifty mile radius of the Reserve Center.

    No broad brush, nor am I disparaging the Reserves, just pointing out some factors that effect the unit manning. Its nice to have ‘friends in the system’ because of the possibilities of favors.

    It seems more and more that the a$$holes get the breaks, while the good guys continue to finish last.

  5. While somebody in the Army Personnel department (perhaps several) needs to get letters of reprimand in their files I’m don’t think it would have made that much of a difference with this guy. He was obviously a hate-filled, racist of the first order as well as a sexual predator. One of those two was going to cause a tragedy.

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