The “Women” of Iran’s Women Soccer Team – IOTW Report

The “Women” of Iran’s Women Soccer Team

They’re “awaiting” sex change operations.


Eight members of Iran’s women’s soccer team are men, a report says. However, Iranian authorities explained the problem away by insisting that all eight men are transgender and awaiting sex change surgery.

Despite the government’s claims about the impending surgeries, Iran’s team was called“unethical” for being filled with stronger, faster men, according to The Telegraph.

The news broke after an Iranian official, Mojtabi Sharifi, admitted that “[Eight players] have been playing with Iran’s female team without completing sex change operations.”


Obama trusted them with nukes.

ht/ wisco dave

17 Comments on The “Women” of Iran’s Women Soccer Team

  1. LOLOL. Hey, they learned it from the Progs in the West.
    Pretty soon, all teams will be ‘men waiting for sex changes to become women’.
    Didn’t see that one in Pandora’s box, didja, feminists.

  2. Yes another things allwed under the “Religion of Peace” rules.

    Is there an address to send fan mail (and the monthly dollar share club gift they need)?

  3. Wait something is wrong.. I remember that the idiot Muslim from Iran came to new York a couple of years ago. He told the reporter that in Iran we don’t have no homosexual.

  4. Will female athletes tolerate this forever? Or finally say enough is enough, and demand the two sexes be recognized as separate and defined by common sense thinking.

  5. Well, The Ancient Greeks must be having the last laugh. They didn’t want women competing in their Olympic games… only men. Once again… biological women are proven to be ‘the second sex’.

  6. How hard could it be to whack off a guy’s stuff since it’s all out in the open, so to speak. Just grab ahold like one would do to sever a chicken leg from the whole chicken and poof! gone forever.
    OK, that’s harsh, but really why wait- they can do it themselves or to each other.

  7. this is great! …. from absurd to completely wiping out ‘womens’ sport in one swell foop … every other totalitarian regime is going “why didn’t we think of that?”

    … way to go progtards! congratulations!


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