The words of a retard, and anyone else that repeats it – “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.” – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

The words of a retard, and anyone else that repeats it – “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.” – Joe Biden

Doesn’t the vaccination protect you?

For the record, I haven’t used the word “retard” on this site id 6 or 7 years.

Thank you Joe. You’re special.

25 Comments on The words of a retard, and anyone else that repeats it – “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.” – Joe Biden

  1. The wife got vaxed and I didn’t. She brought home the Kung Flu two weeks ago. She was a lot sicker than I was. I do not need a vax as I have now had the Kung Flu. I have the natural anti-bodies.

    Fuck Joe Biden

  2. I hate to brag, but I have antibodies, too. 😉
    2 days of diarrhea and a runny nose.

    Then— Ate a bag of tangerines (yep, all of them. Took me HOURS. lol) and was all better in a couple of days.

    And since then, I’ve been exposed to vaccinated people who keep on getting sick. [2 times directly, 3 indirectly.] I know, because I get the texts, “oh sorry, I just tested positive.”

    Curious, n’est-ce pas?

  3. “When we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? Are you going to be the first one to say sign me up?”
    Joek Bidepends
    F-ck you asshole!

  4. They’re closing in on federal vaccine mandates, and Joe must have screwed up the foreshadowing line his handlers told him to say. Or maybe he hit it pitch perfect for once. It doesn’t matter; the powerful don’t have to be smart or sane. Either way, the government vaccine mandates are coming. The federal judges are being given their lines already.

  5. When you vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic, you get variants. The virus is trying to survive. It will become less lethal and more transmissible, because again, trying to survive. When a virus enters a vaccinated person, it has two choices, be killed off by antibodies or mutate to avoid being killed.
    Some viruses mutate faster than the others. Corona viruses are known to mutate easily like the virus that causes flu. Those who follow the real science know this. The ones that use science with hidden agenda blame the unvaccinated.
    The virus entering an unvaccinated individual has no need to mutate.
    Since the CDC has now changed the definition of a vaccine from “PRODUCING IMMUNITY” to the new definition of “STIMULATES THE BODY’S IMMUNE RESPONSE” back in August, then by definition the COVID virus is also a vaccine.

    Here is the new definition:

    Vaccine– “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

    Here is the old definition from Aug 26th and earlier:

    Vaccine– “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

    Vaccination– “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

  6. It would not surprise me one iota if the dirty motherfucker’s next act is to mandate that I use an umbrella if it is raining out predicated on the notion that should I get rained on and catch a cold that I just might subsequently pass it onto some one with a frail and aged grandparent living in their home who just might catch a cold that progresses into pneumonia which could prove fatal.

  7. “Vaccinated” not “Immunized.”

    Yeah, Groucho’s vaccination is just fine, but he isn’t immunized, and I think he knows it.

    “Can’t you smell that smell?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. all the libtards I know believe the unvaxed are the only ones causing mutations & spreading the plague.

    But what’s even worse, I know of person in the medical field (not a doctor-whew) who expressed the desire to withhold any treatment for anything to the unvaxed. She also projected homicidal and suicidal ideas on nurses.

    An acquaintance wants the unvaxed to die, plus those who consume lots of medical attention – kidney failure on dialysis, organ transplant patients, old people with chronic illnesses, and all Trump supporters.


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