The Zapruder Film – IOTW Report

The Zapruder Film

From Marco- I wonder if the readers have ever seen this video of Max Holland on the Kennedy assassination? It’s absolutely riveting.

He solves one of the biggest problems that the Warren Committee created by putting forward the short time interval that Oswald had to fire three shots from the School Book Depository. This proves that it was more like 11 seconds, and it explains what happened to the shot that missed the Presidential limousine. It makes all those myths about the assassination look asinine and ridiculous.
It’s definitely worth the time. – Marco

YouTube: Author and journalist Max Holland traced the tangled history of the most famous yet misunderstood piece of evidence from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy: the 26.6 second long film made by Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder. The opinions and viewpoints expressed here are those of the presenter(s), not The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

27 Comments on The Zapruder Film

  1. Oswald denounced his US citizenship and turned in his US passport to the state department. He moved to Russia. he married a Russian woman. A few years later, he was mysteriously allowed to come back to the US by the state department. That never happened before. Damn right the US government was behind the assassination. I think they were working with the Russians.

  2. Look for motive – look at current events and trending political issues of 1963 – Russia, Cuba, Organized crime, and a growing military industrial cabal looking to build military goods and services.

    It was the start of the one world movement with outcomes now being seen in the world.

    Of course it was a conspiracy with Oswald as the paths who did do some shooting that day. Did he have help? You bet he did. It is exactly what that help was has always been the question.

  3. Have been waiting on the topic of presidential assassination being brought up into the American conscience via the anti-Trump media, as more and more attempts to keep Trump’s hand off his continual, soon-to-be “possible” Democrat (and some Rino) prepping for the “Final Solution” if their enemy, Trump, has not yet been stopped from a second run.

    In other words, if Trump threatens, unimpeded, to win the 2024 presidency over the current decaying “Democratic”, treasonous, criminal, immoral, licentious and illegitimate, pee-poor, deranged, psychopathic, lying president this Country has ever been shamed by, they will seek “Plan B” and proceed to acclimate the American people to his “surprise” assassination by a claimed “lone shooter”, as the second round for a scam-demic voter-fraud coup would be too obvious by now.

    – 30

  4. The hubs has been watching a podcast by Mark Groubert
    They use publicly available information to put together quite a scenario involving LB Johnson, the FBI, some Dallas Police and others regarding JFK’s assassination.

  5. Whether or not if Oswald was funneled into that assassination by the CIA, a doco called The Smoking Gun proves the following.

    The fatal shot was accidentally fired by a Secret service agent in the trailing car who was standing when the first shot was fired. That car accelerated causing the agent to fall back and pull the trigger on the AR he was holding. There are pictures taken showing this agent, standing & holding weapon immediately before the firing began.

    The shot through JFK’s throat, while probably fatal anyway, was a FMJ round and was recovered. The round to the side of JFK’s head was a hollow point round and definitely was fatal.

    The path of that hollow point matches perfectly with the trailing car to JFK’s head and impossibly from the 6th of the building Oswald was in.

    The fragments of that hollow point round showed up on an X-Ray taken at Parkland. The X-Rays and the fragments were confiscated by the FBI, never to be heard of or seen again.

    The brain of JFK mysteriously disappeared as well.

    Obviously Oswald did not and could not have fired a hollow point round, much less one that would have had to have taken a sharp, mid flight turn to hit that side of JFK’s head.

    The doco interviews a number of people who were there with conflicting testimony about the “facts” presented in the Warren Report. If you can watch it and still believe the official stary, more power to you…I guess.

  6. Zapruder film was clear among undeniable evidence Kennedy death shot came from his right film shows impact of fatal bullet striking his right temple ” back and to the left” Oswald did not act alone

  7. facts:

    .scope mounted for lh shooter, lho was right-handed
    .gubmint’s expert-riflemen unable to replicate so-called lho shooting feat
    .lho failed cheek/facial gsw residue test(s)
    .fbi obtained “rifle” prints from lho corpse @ mortuary
    .magic bullet lawyer-bullshit

    blow me, gubmint assholes

  8. I was still in high school when JFK was shot. I recall girls in my English class crying. This video was very interesting and I think everyone should watch it, just to see another side of the story. Back then we had trust in the msm before it rotted out and slowly died infected with terminal politics disorder.

  9. sirhan never got closer than 3 feet, was in front of rfk. noguchi autopsy findings (on internet) re shot direction: from back to front, right to left, low to high. fatal shot behind ear delivered from less than 6 inches, gsr present. now-dead security guard asshole pictured with drawn .22, never tested for anything. more lying gubmint mofos.

    i’m not a drat.

  10. secret service was complicit in reducing protection, & asshole driver-greer braked vehicle & looked @ jfk to verify head shot before proceeding. m. bonar is full of shit, there were no ss shots fired. holland is full of shit.

  11. warren comm. report biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people – richard. m. nixon. until covid protection measures & grobama election, i guess.

  12. pristine “magic bullshit” bullet found @ parkland, missing fewer grains of metal than amount removed from connally’s body.

    holland & gubmint assholes, blow me

  13. lho “obtained” a mail-order rifle from chi-congo when it was still possible to buy otc in tx without sucking atf dick. but no problem for fbi assholes & the director-in-a-dress, hoover.

  14. I have not had a chance to watch the video yet, but I will.

    That being said, I have been there. I was surprised at how small the area is. Photos make it seem like the curve is long and meandering and the grassy knoll is in the next county. Actually, the curve is fairly tight and the grassy knoll is maybe 50 feet away from the road. If I were there to see the President, that would have been a good place to be for anyone who was not lucky enough to stand on the curb. The knoll was still pretty close and it would have allowed people to see over the crowd. A good shot with a pistol probably could have done the shot. In other words, it was not some remote location far removed from everyone from where someone would have needed a sniper rifle. If there was a shooter there, everyone and his brother would have seen him.

    Years ago I read a book about the assassination taking apart all the conspiracy theories. It said that the confusion about the timing of the shots was because the investigation based the timing on tapes of police radio, but those recordings demonstrably had bleed though where a faint image would leak through the backing and “imprint” later in the tape.

    In one of the ironies of history, police were preparing to take Oswald to the courthouse which was just around the corner. In fact, the motorcade would have driven past it just before it made the left turn onto Elm Street.

  15. inthe film it shows the back of Kennedys head exploding and his head moving backwards. that does not look like a shot from the rear with a rifle shooting fmj bullets.


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