Them’s Wearhouse – IOTW Report

Them’s Wearhouse

Earl of Taint: Sorry, I’ve been trying to work up some terrific new posts I’m sure you’ll all enjoy but I got off in the weeds internet-wise and encountered what passes for modern men’s non-binary beings fashion (haute couture des cinglés non binaires; locos no binarios) and it depresses me profoundly and also very deeply and thoroughly.

The following are the actual ensembles presented in the past few years (they’ve no doubt only gotten more woke by now) by a major worldwide prestigious and expensive as hell design house. (The ad is from a local retailer trying to break into the SJW-LGBTQ market.)

What a world.

17 Comments on Them’s Wearhouse

  1. This is beyond simple teenage rebellion. This is beyond cutting yourself. You may sneer but this is demonic manifestation. When morality is removed from the earth, when decorum is scorned, when riots are commonplace, when Christianity is banned from the public square this will become commonplace and the streets will not be safe for normals. There will be no safety outside of Christ. There will be no Peace in your heart outside of Christ.

  2. When reading the title of your post MJA I thought it was a new slang term, such as, “them’s warehouse! how you be wearing that?”or “how you be dating that?” After following the link it seems I was correct.

  3. Were I in the fashion industry, I’d be pushing back in a fierce way.
    Of course the woke crowd are too dense to realize a scavengers hunt in their great grandparents attic, a dumpster dive and dressing in the dark will complete their ensembles.


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