There Ain’t No Rock and Roll – IOTW Report

There Ain’t No Rock and Roll

The National Pulse

Five Times August have dropped a powerful new track taking aim at the music industry and singling out performers including Mick Jagger, John Legend, and the Foo Fighters by name, for selling out to Big Pharma and the lockdown agenda during the Wuhan virus pandemic.

The song laments “there ain’t no rock and roll, and the blues has lost its soul” More

12 Comments on There Ain’t No Rock and Roll

  1. That was really good. “What ever they sang they never meant”. Perfect.

    Usually I see stuff like this posted and I make it about 30 seconds. To predictable. I hope all the “Artists” that decided to jump on the pharma train see this.

  2. “Truth is the first casualty of war.”
    (dead white dude)

    And it should be obvious, to even the dimmest among us, that a war has been raging for the souls of the Earth for some decades now simply by the fact that “truth” is so elusive (as are facts).
    We knew back when Janet Reno and her thugs murdered the denizens of the Waco Compound and nary a peep was heard from the “anti-establishment” poseurs – that they had become “establishment.” Even though the crying and wailing over rock-and-bottle throwing savages being shot at Kent State (by the Ohio National Guard – NOT on Nixon’s orders, by the way) had them all in high dudgeon.

    “Open war is upon you …” the absence of “truth” confirms it.

    Nice to have others notice and illuminate the hypocrisy of the poseurs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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