There Are 8 Billion of Us Today – IOTW Report

There Are 8 Billion of Us Today

15 Comments on There Are 8 Billion of Us Today

  1. Georgia Guide Stones hardest hit.

    (Isn’t it strange how nobody was ever arrested for blowing them up? It’s almost as if the Globalists were embarrassed by the implicit genocide chiseled in stone.)

  2. A scary day for the communists.

    What follows is from a 2011 AT article, ‘The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity’

    “Part of socialist angst may be due to class envy, but I believe most of it is based on the phobia of scarcity.

    If you are a socialist, chances are you believe that there is only a limited amount of wealth in the world. People are impoverished only because rich capitalists are hoarding it.

    You probably also believe that global natural resources are scarce, the world’s water supply is drying up, and irreplaceable species are becoming extinct.

    This irrational fear of scarcity is what drives the socialist advocacy for abortion of the unborn and euthanasia of the aged and infirm.”

  3. Georgia Guidestone debris NOVEMBER 15, 2022 AT 12:38 PM
    “You guys got a lot of vaccinating to do.”

    That’s what Boss Gates MADE us for!

    You’re GETTING vaxxed.

    Whether you like it or NOT.

    Whether you KNOW it or not!

    …hey, wuzzat crawling on the back of your neck RIGHT NOW!

    *points at self*

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