There Are Good Reasons Real Women Want Fit Men – IOTW Report

There Are Good Reasons Real Women Want Fit Men

Medical Express

Weight gain in a man’s late teens and 20s increases his risk of dying from prostate cancer later in life, research being presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in Dublin, Ireland (May 17-20), suggests.

The analysis of data on more than 250,000 men in Sweden found that weight gain over the course of a man’s life was associated with developing prostate cancer overall and aggressive and fatal prostate cancer.

The link with aggressive and fatal prostate cancer was driven by weight gain between the ages of 17 and 29. More

Then there’s the whole low sperm count thing that comes with obesity. Here

6 Comments on There Are Good Reasons Real Women Want Fit Men

  1. one of the most overlooked reasons people over eat is because when you’re tired and need to rest, you think your body is telling you you’re hungry (food=energy)

  2. This seems like one of those studies that shows a link between eating more ice cream and being eaten by a shark. The relation between being a fat fatty and terminal prostate cancer might have MOAR to do with NOT getting laid AND being to lazy to jerk off.



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