There are Lefties on Twitter Laughing It Up Over the Hillary Emails – IOTW Report

There are Lefties on Twitter Laughing It Up Over the Hillary Emails

There are twits are having a good time on Twitter over the benign emails released by the state department, emails about gefilte fish and outfits Huma picked out for Hillary to wear to state functions.

They are seemingly unaware that there are already emails released that will eventually (I don’t know what the holdup is) remove Hillary from the primary. Her felony will prevent her from running for anything short of town animal control..

The Clinton campaign keeps reiterating a point that they believe is a defense. It’s not. Hillary says that she never created or forwarded an email that was classified “at the time.”

This is a ridiculous defense. The entire reason the Secretary of State is required to use a secured government server for any discussion related to the state department is precisely because information “may become classified in the future.” She broke the law by discussing any state department topics on her own server, whether they were unclassified at the time, only to become classified later on, or not.

Arrest her. What is the slow drip for? People are acting like there needs to be an email where Hillary says “don’t send in the marines to help the consulate in Benghazi.”

This is not required.

The Federalist has some nice points HERE. 

HT/ Hotlanta Mike

13 Comments on There are Lefties on Twitter Laughing It Up Over the Hillary Emails

  1. Her felony will prevent her from running for anything short of town animal control.

    OK, I’ll play! You mean “Dog Catcher” right? H-Rod already caught her dog. But I betcha every now and then she and Huma swap off places and H-Rod wears the collar.

  2. Both bill and hill need their passports seized and the foundation should have their accounts frozen. Those sleaze balls wouldn’t hesitate to flee if they thought the gig was up.

  3. They were trying the same “whistling past the grave yard” routine on the BBC last night.

    What they weren’t say, on purpose for your average lofo voter, is that The State Dept. only received a portion of those e-mails. Something on the order of 30,000 were wiped by Hillary, while under a subpoena.

    I hope the FBI recovers every last one and they clearly show how she sold her office for profit to foreign powers. I hope they set a cell aside for her in Leavenworth to occupy the rest of her life.

  4. OK the libs are laughing at us. Rush says we are being dripped off.. The drip. drip, drip of Hillary Emails. All bullshit. So Bohener
    likes his sauce and is an asswipe. We all know that.


  5. Republican Mitt Romney might have teased someone in high school: Disqualification from candidacy and possible hate-crime prosecution!

    Democrat Hillary Clinton exposes the entire US government and entire country to hacking on a private server shared by her “non-profit”: no big whoop. She has two X chromosomes and therefore should be immediately coronated!

    Just wanted to make sure I understood the “correct” mode of “thinking” for these times.

  6. The media is playing dumb like they don’t know what’s happening. Trying to gauge how stupid and confused the public is. But…. it won’t work. In a few days they will begrudgingly start to talk about this as though they have been all along.

    George Stephanopoulos must be cruising the homo bath houses with his leather gear and home video equipment for some relief. Poor Georgie….

  7. I think 0bama is doing the drip drip just to torture Hillary. Is he trying to give her a stroke? A coronary?

    Like chinese water torture.

    She’s blowing a million bucks every 4 days. If he just keeps dripping then she keeps blowing her cash, so that hurts her too.

    At least that’s how I look at it.

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