There are Lies, Damn Lies and Damn Democrats Lying – IOTW Report

There are Lies, Damn Lies and Damn Democrats Lying

Town Hall

You’ve noticed it right?

The Democratic leadership of 2020 will not tell you the truth about almost anything. They lie to everyone, at nearly every moment, about almost everything, all the time.

They lie to their opponents, to the voters, and of course, they lie to each other. More

6 Comments on There are Lies, Damn Lies and Damn Democrats Lying

  1. Like the Corona Virus, what fake media inflamed pile of dog shit this lie is. Remember democrats never let a crisis go to waste even a phony one.
    Sadly the public’s reaction shows America still falls for the Fake News bullshit!!!!!

  2. Why does the Demoncrat establishment want to avoid Bernie’s taint of socialism? The Demoncrat Party has been socialist since FDR! The inspiration for his Alphabet Soup of federal agencies was Mussolini’s ideal of centralized government control. Even though it didn’t start out socialist, why did they name the federal retirement insurance system Social Security, if they didn’t want it to become socialist, from each according to his ability, to each according to his need? And single-payer medical insurance used to be called socialized medicine. Even back when it was the party of slavery, the Demoncrat Party wanted to live off the hard work of others.

  3. The Demonrats are demon possessed, evil, sick bastards. Every single tihing they believe is a lie based on lies. There are no facts to a Demonrat only feelings.

    There is no truth or reality to a Demonrat because their entire emotional based world view is based on a ever changing fungible construct born of a false moral equivalence of what they magically deem to be reality.

  4. Like this election cycle candidates weren’t embarrassing enough to the Village People??? Look they can’t compete with real leaders, so they tear everything down to their level of SUCK!
    It’s just that simple!


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