There are republicans that do not read rightwing blogs – hard to believe, but true. – IOTW Report

There are republicans that do not read rightwing blogs – hard to believe, but true.

What does this mean?

It means there are millions of voters that believe Biden has won fair and square and is the president elect.

We talked to a typical casual republican voter in California. They had NO IDEA the election is being contested, they heard nothing about fraud, they heard none of the stories upon stories of “mistakes” that aided Biden, or any allegations of outright voter fraud.

This is a person who votes right, but has a job, doesn’t have the time to follow rightwing media sources and trusts “local news.”

We are frigged in the pooper.

The MSM is doing the job they are paid to do – suppress news that doesn’t aid and abet the left.

28 Comments on There are republicans that do not read rightwing blogs – hard to believe, but true.

  1. Most people are going to end up unaware of the situation unless and until it ends up before the Supreme Court.

    And even then, they won’t understand it.

    Which works in favor of the Left winning and the Right losing -no matter what the circumstances- and being unable to do anything about it.

  2. And that is why Fox took off Judge Jeanine last night to prevent her from pointing out nothing has been legally certified. On the flip side the MSM, Tech oligarchs and dems are freaking out about all the people watching Crowder, Bannon’s War Room, Giuliani and others so I’m not sure they think they are winning. I don’t know how anyone can trust the media after the last 5 years.

    I am hopeful Trump is quiet right now while they get their ducks in a row. Let them get complacent. Let them make all their gloating statements implicating them in this charade. Get him rested and ready to roar back. They don’t understand him. He thrives in chaos and no matter how this goes he is going to expose the fraud of the election and the media.

  3. Last night I ended up on actor Nathan Fillion’s Instagram while scrolling for non political stuff-like cute kittens and cool art. His pic was a champagne toast to Biden. A battle was going on in his comments about fraud in all of the swing states. Nathan actually stepped in and said that was untrue and he hadn’t heard that.

    There were quite a number of Trumpsters laying down facts. The only reply the left could counter with was the usual Russian racists nonsense.

    The best comment I saw was, “Dude, get out of your bubble.”

  4. ON the flip side, there are some who read right-wing blogs exclusively, which I believe makes them every bit as uninformed as those fixated on the left-wing garbage media. I sometimes feel like I’m at a Klan rally while reading comments on Brietbart.

  5. The dems around Atlanta reaaallly cheated more than they’ve ever had to. Gwinnett (which has been solid R for close to 30 years), Fulton, Cobb and Dekalb counties mysteriously show increases in vote totals for Biden vs. 2016 for hillary being anywhere from 20+ to 40+ percent. This link below shows a lot of issues Republicans should be aware of.

    And this chart is in the above thread showing how ridiculous the vote totals around Atlanta were inflated to steal the election for Biden.

    I’m sure that Tank Abrams’ minions are embedded in the vote counting system now. Mysteriously, Gwinnett supposedly completely flipped local govt. to democrats in practically every office by very large margins which is something that is impossible to believe.

    Edit: meant to post this in the GA Sec of State thread, but it applies to any of the stories on vote fraud.

  6. The entire reason why we are in the dire situation we currently have is that the vast majority of voters don’t delve into the issues but rather focus on just living their lives. And getting their news from ABC, NBC, CBS. They may mean well, but they expect others to inform their votes.

  7. Yes, it’s hard to believe. They rationalize watching swamp news saying ‘we need to know what the other side is doing’, then they have no idea what conservatives are talking about when they raise facts not reported on swamp news.

    Swamp news did a great job. We have to do a better one. NOW.

    150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate
    If you want to see how poorly the Democrats planned their theft of the election, just look at their botched math in Michigan.

  8. It’s over? Netanyahu congratulates Biden – since when did a foreign leader certify our election? Ever thought that some people are hedging their bets? If Trump doesn’t prevail Israel is near the top to kick.

  9. I know too many well-educated, predominately female, voters that voted emotionally, rather than logically. Their votes were AGAINST Trump rather than FOR Biden. Useful idiots strike again.

  10. Start the sticky note campaign. I saw it on CTH yesterday I think.

    Today, I had to go get gas and guess what was on the pump? A sticky note that said: Biden is not President Elect
    They cheated, Media lies

    So guess what I did? I went to the store and bought 10 packs of sticky notes. Guess what I’m going to do tonight? I’m going to write similar messages with,, etc. on them. Tomorrow, I’m sticking them on store shelves, gas pumps, bulletin boards, etc.

  11. I have a sister and bil (live in Canada) who often say to me they don’t know who to believe. They wonder why there isn’t a source that is neutral that just reports the news.

    I tell them they have to listen to each side and examine their supporting evidence and use their brains.

    Still, they just repeat themselves and never understand what I am telling them. Anyone have a better approach with well meaning but poor thinking loved ones.

  12. The people in subsidized housing behind my house all voted for Trump. They are disgusted with what the dems are doing. They are aware.
    On the other hand, the engineers my husband works with have no clue.

  13. It’s true. Back in the day, my old blog was probably the loudest Tennessee one to support Fred Thompson to run for president.

    He did before bowing out and throwing support behind McCain. I could never forgive that shit. But before he embarked on his talk radio career, he had someone write down what he said for a book and called it an autobiography. Senora Guevara wanted to meet him at the book signing and he butchered the name of our website in the note he wrote.

    She wanted a picture and got one. He asked of I wanted one and I was like, nah, I’m good.

    They don’t read websites. They rarely talk to real people. Someone tells them what the news says.


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