There Are Still 200 Unanswered State Department Record Requests Dating Back To the Bill Clinton Era – IOTW Report

There Are Still 200 Unanswered State Department Record Requests Dating Back To the Bill Clinton Era

From Bill to Hillary, transparency is not thy name. There are still 200 pending requests of the state department from when Madeline Albright was secretary of state.

Albright says of Hillary –

“One of the major things [Hillary Clinton] did as Secretary of State was to restore America’s reputation,” Albright said.

“I know her very well and admire her, and I think that she would be the best prepared to be president of anybody that we’ve had in a very, very long time,” Albright said. – CNS News

clip provided by THE BIG OWE.


5 Comments on There Are Still 200 Unanswered State Department Record Requests Dating Back To the Bill Clinton Era

  1. My favorite Albright quote:

    “When did you first use jewelry as a diplomatic accessory?”

    “It all began when I was at the United Nations. It was right after the Gulf War and the United States was pressing for resolutions sanctioning Iraq. During that time I had something dreadful to say about Saddam Hussein on a daily basis, which he deserved because he had invaded Kuwait. The government-controlled Iraqi media then compared me to an “unparalleled serpent.” I happened to have a snake pin, and wore it to my next meeting on Iraq. When the press asked me about it, I thought, “Well, this is fun.” I was the only woman on the Security Council, and I decided to get some more costume jewelry. On good days, I wore flowers and butterflies and balloons, and on bad days, all kinds of bugs and carnivorous animals. I saw it as an additional way of expressing what I was saying, a visual way to deliver a message.”.

  2. And Albright didn’t know her family was Jewish.
    If you believe anything this cow says, I’ve got some nice property in Florida for you. It’s near the water.

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