There is an exception to this rule… – IOTW Report

There is an exception to this rule…


Even the dumbass progtards have enough self-awareness not to call Netanyahu, “Hitler.”

7 Comments on There is an exception to this rule…

  1. Progressives loved Hitler and the National Socialists all through the 1930’s as they rose in stature and consolidated their power. Read it, it is available and in the words published in their own contemporary literature.

  2. Hitler is the perfect foil for everyone because his devotion to socialism has been obscured by the socialists who try to distance themselves from the more odious aspects of his rule. He, like Stalin and Mao, brought socialism to fruition, in all its murderous aspects, but, unfortunately for his legacy, was well-documented by his conquerors – the other socialists, having never been conquered, have been able to hide their enormities – Stalin, Mao, Kim, Castro, Ortega, Hoxha, Tito, et. al.

  3. Being theft, Socialism requires enormous force to implement.
    As accepting being robbed is not in human nature, that force necessarily leads slaughter as they attempt to remove human nature from people.
    Calling others Hitler is an attempt at misdirection.

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