There is Nothing Affordable About the Affordable Care Act – IOTW Report

There is Nothing Affordable About the Affordable Care Act

The middle class has been gouged with the “Affordable Care Act” to pay for deadbeats and border jumpers and generational EBT recipients. Costs have skyrocketed as Barack Obama has “spread the wealth” to the 3rd world nation immigrants arriving here, legally or illegally.

I will have to make the decision in the coming year whether I can continue to afford to pay for my Obamacare, which has a high deductible and entitles me to one office visit a year.

Now the governor of Minnesota has declared the ACA to be a farce in name.


Minnesota’s Democratic governor said Wednesday that the Affordable Care Act is “no longer affordable,” a stinging critique from a state leader who strongly embraced the law just a few years ago.

Gov. Mark Dayton made the comments while addressing questions about Minnesota’s fragile health insurance market, where individual plans are facing double-digit increases after all insurers threatened to exit the market entirely in 2017.

They follow cost concerns and criticism nationwide, including President Bill Clinton saying last week that the law was “the craziest thing in the world” before he backtracked.

“The reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable for increasing numbers of people,” Dayton said, calling on Congress to fix the law to address rising costs and market stability.

The Democrat-driven criticism has emboldened Republicans in Minnesota and nationwide to try to scrap President Barack Obama’s 2009 law. Clinton faced backlash for his comments during a Michigan rally for his wife last week, and he later clarified his support for the law and called for fixes to address gaps in coverage.

Few states embraced the health care law stronger than Minnesota under Dayton, where lawmakers created a state-run online market exchange for shoppers who aren’t covered by employers or public programs to buy individual coverage. When those policies first went on sale in 2013, Dayton and state officials proudly touted the lowest health insurance rates in the nation.

But after several years of steadily increasing premiums, top state regulators said this fall that Minnesota’s individual market is in “a state of emergency.” The state scrambled to stop all seven companies that sell insurance directly to consumers or through the state exchange, MNsure, from fleeing for 2017, but the state’s largest insurer is still exiting.

Health care insurance shoppers will see premium increases that range from 50 percent to 67 percent on their plans for next year.


12 Comments on There is Nothing Affordable About the Affordable Care Act

  1. Hmmm Fastest rising premiums in the state that also has the highest level of refugees who take from the system and don’t pay in. ….nawww couldn’t be a connection. Must be a coincidence.

  2. I have never paid a fucking nickel for this bullshit. I have refused form Day 1 to provide the IRS any medical/health insurance information on my 1040.

    I suspect millions done the same thing as you’re just not getting any high profile prosecutions like the IRS normally does. I would like to know the real numbers of people that have just said fuck it and ignored the law.

    If there had been an even greater number of people that had followed this path, they would’ve have been able to conceal the truth.

    It’s not like you had to stand in front of a tank.

  3. Perhaps it’s time to haul up the developers/signer/enablers of the ACA Obobocare, and charge them in military tribunals (since our Dept of Justice is a JOKE) with treason and malfeasance. Barky, Holder, Clinton, Pelosi (we have to pass it to see what’s in it), Ryan, Boehner, other Democrats and RINOS in Congress, and the SCOTUS (Roberts, Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomeyer, Kennedy, and Kagan) all should be indicted and charged. Misleading citizens, lying, stealing, misappropriating tax dollars, showering tax funds on illegals. IT IS TIME.

  4. ….and the more the slimes try to make it “affordable” the less so it will be…. because there is no free lunch.

    But Bungocare was never designed to provide health care, or even insurance, for anyone. It’s purpose is to collapse the existing system in order to then force single payer on everyone…. when they’re all getting their care for free from the Gubmint. Bungocare is a Trojan Horse of destruction, like many things the Demoslimes do.

  5. It was meant to fail.

    The Republicrats want single payer so the taxpayer picks up the healthcare tab, along with food stamps and subsidized housing for the slave labor their master want them to import.

    It is THE ultimate “corporate welfare” program.

  6. This is what happens when you have one-party, group-think government. They didn’t want any outside review, no changes, or even enough time to read it. Hillary’s solution is to expand it, on the theory that somewhere some child might be suffering and spending another trillion on that child is Who We Are.

  7. All designed to fail, so we could finally get the Single Payer shoved down our throats. Everything any intelligent opponent of Obamacare predicted would happen has occurred. I blame Chief Justice Roberts.
    Remember when Obumbler bragged that he was proud that it was being called Obamacare? I don’t know a single person who works for a living who doesn’t hate the whole damned thing. It will collapse soon enough, but not until the socialists try to fix it with another couple of billions of wasted dollars.

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