There is still time to get your minds right NeverTrump – IOTW Report

There is still time to get your minds right NeverTrump

Here’s, yet, another appeal to these people who have no problem at all rewarding the corrupt left with a win on election day.

They will have no problem watching balloons drop on Hillary Clinton, handing the oval office to the most corrupt politician to ever be elected to commander-in-chief.

They will have no problem with watching the likes of the dbag who’s pictured here,


a Hillary staffer who’s been caught admitting that he has no problem with volunteers ripping up the voter registrations of republicans, smiling and jumping and laughing and high-fiving on election day.

This is the worst thing that can be done to a person, having them show up at the polls and be told that they cannot vote because they didn’t register. This is far worse than anything Donald Trump has ever said or done, yet, NeverTrump will have no problem watching this guy orgasmic with jubilation because Hillary won, never thinking that this same guy would be doing the same thing if Ted Cruz was the nominee. Fighting this guy is not helping Trump, fighting this guy is helping America. Got it, poopheads?

It is far more principled to beat back the efforts of these scuzzbags, and send them a crushing defeat, than to block Trump because he’s “crude,” or he’s “mean,” or he “might” be lying about the conservative measures in his platform.

I can only conclude that NeverTrump just doesn’t loathe the hard left like we do. Something else makes them tick. What? I don’t know.

This VIDEO starts with O’Keefe snaring a Hillary staffer on a “hot mic” talking about how the Hillary campaign has a low bar for what is right and wrong. He says he can grab a co-worker by the @$$ twice and not get fired.

The ripping up of the republican voter registrations comes afterward.

15 Comments on There is still time to get your minds right NeverTrump

  1. OMG people!

    To all “NeverTrump” Idiots:

    I get it. Trump is a brash, loud-mouth, sexist, guy. Who cares!

    We have an evil woman with blood on her hands from grotesque incompetence, years of lies and corruption, transparent efforts to hide her pay to play politics with her easily hacked secret server which allowed more than 100 secret e-mails to be exposed to foreign intelligence services, and they are considered to be even close to morally equivalent?

    One is broken the other is perverse evil who should be in prison right now if not for the current utterly corrupt administration.

    If you fail to vote for the REPUBLICAN presidential candidate, get the Hell out of MY country because you are not conservative.

  2. If Hillary gets in, she will stack the supreme court against us and will start dismantling the constitution. Say goodbye to gun rights, religious freedom, your thoughts and ideas, your paycheck.

    And you can forget about safe passage if you helped get her elected — you are now an enemy of America just like her.

  3. They don’t want Trump, not because they don’t care if killery is elected, it’s because they are PART of the uniparty. There is no such thing as an appeal to them. They are part of the gov’t establishment who want to maintain the status quo. They are the enemy.

    (See Lou Dobb’s interview last night with Falwell, Jr.)

  4. The worst single thing about the nightmare of a Hillary presidency is that the changing demographics will continue to stack up against our side, only she will ramp it up to unimaginable levels.

    All of the other terrible things we can logically anticipate like 3 or 4 SCJs like Kagan, the nullification of 1A & 2A, the complete descent of the ME into a true hell on earth, a very real possibility of a world war, all time high taxation, negative GDP, open borders like we’ve never thought possible, a 550% increase in “syrian refugees” being shuttled off to small conservative towns across America and a corrupt government officially up for sale will pale next to the fact that this is it. It’s over.

    It will never get better. We will never see a change for the better in our lives. The demographics guarantee it.

    At this point, we all know what must be done.

  5. If hillary is elected she wil get us into war with Russia. She will join the US military with moslems to destroy western civilization, including our own Republic. We will end up back in the dark ages. This is the same sh*t that happened to Rome, with the same kind of people who brought about nazi Germany.

  6. i was getting morning news updates from conservative review. I get many from different news orgs, but rarely followed up the CR link. Today i did. I read many of the comments on one Trump article and unsubscribed. The depth of ignorance is unmeasurable, another neverTrump site, as bad as ReichSkoop. The neverTrump has many rinos competing for head of the Ship of Fools, and i tolerate none of them.

    As a side note, the democrat running for state senate in my district stopped by to annoy me. I had my shop door open and my computer on. My computer monitor is 48 inch wide and i had the loop of mrs rapist on that showed her laffing at a protester as he stumbled down some steps. Also, on my back wall is my large gadsden flag. It was a short vist. He said he was pro-choice and i told him he would never get my vote.

  7. Really Fur?? These guys are dead to me. Their party is dead to me. There policy is a sham; nothing more than talking points. Tell Trump to ignore them and speak directly to the American people like he did in the primary. They can get on board or get run over….the latter is preferable.

  8. #NeverTrumpers (And everyone else)
    This election cycle more voters are casting a vote AGAINST one of the two candidates rather FOR the other. That means either candidate that wins may not be a majority choice, therefore, not a President representative of the people or for the people. Now look at the campaigns and look at the media. The bias is not only clear but overt in many instances in favor of Hillary (Check out Wikileaks if your still unsure). So a Presidential candidate with a dismal popularity rating, a proven liar and cheater willing to do or say anything to get elected (and I am going nice on her, not to mention him) has the ability to take office with a supportive congress, a lapdog media and the ability to choose several Supreme Court justices and NO and I mean NO means of a check and balance system in place. Imagine that. She will have NO boundaries. How can that be positive for our country or its citizens? Trump on the other hand will live in a box surrounded on all sides by checks and balances and at every turn. He will fight an uphill battle for four years for everything he does. He CAN be held accountable where she CANNOT.
    Think about it.

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