Michael Brown exhibit opened in Chicago
Fox– A new art exhibit about the Michael Brown police shooting in Ferguson is on display in Chicago.
The piece features a life-size portrayal of Michael Brown after he was killed last year in Ferguson.
Jason Chisel – NewChisel.com
Is it interactive?
Can I pop a cap in his fat thuggy ass?
How about an exhibit showing Obama releasing killer illegals on innocent US citizens?
This should be set up outside the store he robbed as a reminder to the other thugs as to what happens when you attack the wrong person.
They forgot the bullet holes in his back…oh, wait.
I think this is great. Imagine the shock as progs walk through the “crime scene” and realize that Brown’s hands aren’t up.
where are the cigarillos?
Would it be okay to have an empty exhibit and call it “The Black Dads of Dead Chicago Youth”?
Where’s the Tussaud’s piece of Eric Holder weeping after having to admit “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” was complete poopy poopy doo doo?
Avatar testing 1…2…check, testing 1…2 check.
Yep! My bad.
Liberal Logic…
What was the ‘intended emotion’? That justice was served that day?
I’m seeing untapped Circus sideshow revenue….
(Swisher Sweets.)
Did you at least clap, Fur?
Where’s all the liquor bottles and memorial “trash”? How fake…
Some guilty white bitch on her way to being black thinks this is the ticket? lol. Kind of vomit inducing, there should be buckets for that or the floor’s gonna get pretty slick.
And it won’t be “white privlege” that steals that dummy’s tennis shoes from this freak show exhibit.
Yeah, I think I can piss from the yellow tape to the “figure” without hitting the floor.
Yes, I can.
What museum is this in?
This display is factually incorrect – his arms should be in the up position.
Gee Wally, just think where he’d be today if he had at least learned how to wear a belt…
There should be a big screen TV, some new Nikes, a couple pistols, a crack pipe, a wad of 20s, and skid marks in his shorts if they want it to look real.
“Hang on a minute…this fella’s got some pretty snappy duds!”
TV killed him?
I hate those bast*rds.
The title of this exhibit: Fergyetaboutit
Disgraceful that the undertaker couldn’t even pull his pants up!
What with the big ol’ screen shot of Oprah?
And where are the race-baiters Sharpton and Jackson?
And shouldn’t the building be on fire?
Stupid. Just brain dead, bag o’ hammers, stupid.
Did they name it Stiff Wiff Spliff?
Just a few random thoughts:
What? no 12-roll pack of Charmin toilet paper?
Sorry, but when your that fat.. it’s no longer considered “Planking” that’s actually called “Logging”.
Where’s Trayvon and Freddie? why aren’t they included?.. this art master-piece could have been called “The Trifecta”.
On a side note.. considering it’s being displayed in Chicago.. I seriously doubt it has any impact or shock value, since this is a normal daily occurrence.
They should be selling sodas and popcorn.
A fucking laugh riot, pretending to be art.
I didn’t clap, but I just picked myself up from the floor, I was laughing so hard. Why I love this place. Thanks, BFH.
All it needs is a big deuce – Cleveland steamer – to round out the “symbolism”.
The name of the game is the lawsuit but it didn’t work.
Al the Scam Sharpton still trying to get his payday by squeezing out fake tears for this oversized criminal.
No blood pool????? Or puddle?
get real
They left the dog out, too.
(Lord, I apologize for letting the Devil make me post this picture… ; )
Will the real Michael Brown please stand up? Oh.. Sorry. You can’t cause somebody shot your dumb ass! HA!
Art has reached the official Nadir
If you have to explain it, it ain’t art.
In Chicago people ran in a zig zag pattern past 3 crime scenes to get into the gallery
The artist’s name is Ti-Rock Moore. You can actually see the mental illness in her face:
That’s FUNNY!