“There seems to be enough evidence here to justify opening a criminal investigation” on Ocasio-Cortez and top aide – IOTW Report

“There seems to be enough evidence here to justify opening a criminal investigation” on Ocasio-Cortez and top aide

DC: A former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) called for an investigation Sunday into alleged campaign finance violations by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her top aide Saikat Chakrabarti.

Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti have, since December 2017, held legal authority over Justice Democrats, the outside PAC credited with orchestrating her upset primary victory over incumbent Democratic New York Rep. Joe Crowley in June 2018, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported last week.

The conservative National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) also filed an FEC complaint last week, first reported by the Washington Examiner, alleging that Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress, another PAC controlled by Chakrabarti, funneled $1 million into two private companies under his control during the 2018 midterms.

“As a former FEC commissioner who has studied the complaint against Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti, I have concluded that there is unquestionably more than enough evidence to justify the FEC opening a civil investigation,” Hans von Spakovsky, now a Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow, wrote in a Fox News op-ed Sunday.

“There seems to be enough evidence here to justify opening a criminal investigation,” he added.

Ocasio-Cortez never disclosed to the FEC that she and Chakrabarti, who served as her campaign chair, controlled Justice Democrats while it was simultaneously supporting her primary campaign. If the FEC finds that her campaign and the political action committee were operating in affiliation, it could result in her campaign receiving excessive contributions, former FEC commissioner Brad Smith told TheDCNF.  MORE

16 Comments on “There seems to be enough evidence here to justify opening a criminal investigation” on Ocasio-Cortez and top aide

  1. Now don’t everybody rush in and lament that Nuthin’s Gonna Happen. You knew a Republican would have to set this in motion, and it would have to been done through the bureaucracy, and not by the Dem party or House procedures.

    Remember, Alexandra Pelosi said her mom would “…cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding.” Sandy, you’re toast.

  2. The FEC is a paper tiger filled with establishment political appointees of both parties. Long on investigations and financial penalties, short on criminal prosecutions.
    What financial penalties are handed down are far less that the illegal contributions candidates receive.
    Another nothing burger, eat it up and believe the FEC has integrity as a government watchdog.

  3. Cato, this is just one part of the dismantling of Sandy. It is going to affect her fundraising and how she campaigns for reelection. It will be nothing like a cakewalk the next time. And this is assuming that the Dems don’t redistrict her out of a job.

    She is not a smart person, and she is reflexively combative when she needs to be persuasive. She does not play well with others, and that is a show-stopper in the swamp, no matter which party. If they can’t break that donkey, she’s going to the knacker.

  4. I’m with Thirdtwin. Even if the campaign finance doesn’t get her, it’ll get her chief of staff.
    Dems she tangled with will call in favors in NY, bust up the justice democrats, and she’ll never see another seat but her own.

  5. Let me test run Ocasio-Cortez’s primary defense here: Racist! Misogynist! Capitalist! Racist, mysogynist and capitalist!

    Uh, not working? I’ll get back to you with other typical progressive arguments that may play better.

  6. FEC Fines Bush for illegal contributions: example of the paper tiger (FEC).

    “American Pacific International Capital, Inc. The company had illegally donated $1.3 million to Bush’s super PAC in the spring of 2015, as Bush was gearing up for a run for president.”

    “The unusually large FEC fines came after the commission found evidence Bush’s super PAC took money from a foreign national, which is prohibited under federal election law. The super PAC, Right to Rise, was fined $390,000 for the violation”.

    Not bad, Bush’s super PAC gets $1.3 Million for a contribution and is fined $390,000. He came out pretty damn good for accepting illegal Chinese money.



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