There Still is No Such Thing as Perpetual Motion – IOTW Report

There Still is No Such Thing as Perpetual Motion

ht/ jethro

28 Comments on There Still is No Such Thing as Perpetual Motion

  1. Hey, I know, put an alternator on each wheel in a Tesla (or an EV of your choice) and have them charge the batteries while you drive!

    Maybe add a wind turbine on top to make things charge faster.

  2. I think I have mentioned my idea before.
    I want to get a pair of border collies. I do need a back yard first…
    When they are a few months or a year old, I want to get a couple of miniature goats. The goats will bounce all around the yard… and the collies will herd them! I can see that going perpetually. 🙂

  3. My border collie Kirby has his cat Finn to herd and to harass. I don’t know about the goats, he already goes apeshit with any kind of object, balls, plastic milk jugs, frisbees etc. that he can toss up in the air with his nose and run around and chase in my fenced backyard with wild abandon having a blast. He’s his own perpetual motion machine and is very easily amused. He’s been here a year now as of tomorrow when we got him when he was 3 months old and is the most active dog that I have ever had.

  4. Ahh … but there IS perpetual motion.

    The flow of dollars directly from taxpayers to corrupt politicians!
    The flow of dollars more indirectly from taxpayers through corrupt unions to union bosses and corrupt politicians.
    The flow of dollars from taxpayers laundered through Ukraine to corrupt politicians.

    Many avenues but a flow in only one direction – and it IS perpetual.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Not a great answer. I once tried to explain to a co-worker why using compressed air to run a car engine was not perpetual motion (I had recently graduated with an engineering degree). I think part of the confusion was at that time compressed air was free, so running the engine on compressed air didn’t have a cost (which equated to perpetual motion in his mind), but because you had to use external energy to compress the gas before it was put into the car it wasn’t perpetual motion.

  6. @fullmetal256 at 9:55
    They already do that. It’s called “regenerative braking”. They use the motors to act as generators to convert braking power to electricity to recharge the battery. It’s not much, but it helps.

  7. Had a fellow Electrical Engineer back in the 70’s tell me how to build a perpetual motion vehicle. Replace the gas engine with an electric motor then hang wind driven generators out the window to trickle charge the batteries when your not driving. He eventually got let go and became a mailman. Today, he would get gov funding…


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