‘There was no sniper’: California sheriff’s deputy made up story about shooting – IOTW Report

‘There was no sniper’: California sheriff’s deputy made up story about shooting


A sheriff’s deputy in Los Angeles County, California, admitted to investigators that he lied about being shot by a sniper while walking to his car Wednesday.

Angel Reinosa, 21, had said he was shot in the shoulder of his ballistic vest, which led to a massive manhunt that included a helicopter with police snipers.

“Reinosa admitted he was not shot at as he previously claimed,” L.A. County Homicide Capt. Kent Wegener said late on Saturday. “He also told investigators he had caused the holes in his uniform by cutting it. There was no sniper, no shots fired, and no gunshot injury sustained to his shoulder.” more here

13 Comments on ‘There was no sniper’: California sheriff’s deputy made up story about shooting

  1. …I’m a little worried about the LA police’s TRAINING if they don’t think it’s possible to tell the difference between a “cut” hole and a bullet hole…

  2. So how did someone like this become a Deputy in the first place?

    Don’t they have some kind of personality and psychological screening process that would eliminate this type of people, and another one that would eliminate someone without enough knowledge to know this would be easily discovered?

    Sounds more like he would be some kind of a security guard wannabe than a legitimate law enforcement officer candidate.

  3. I remember one time I was sitting in the car in the back lot of our main police facility during shift change having a chat with an old friend who was the FTO (Field Training Officer) at the time, and we watched these “kids” walking out to their assigned patrol vehicles with their tools of the trade in hand. I asked Sgt. Kelly if those kids were legally old enough to posses firearms…he told me he felt like he was teaching Continuation High School, and often wondered if many of them had completed going through puberty!

  4. FTA: Officials say the young sheriff’s deputy did not provide a reason for making up the shooting.

    I suspect he was aiming for a PTSD Disability “retirement” at the ripe age of 21.


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