There Will Be No Equal Voice For Those Who Question Equality At Duke – IOTW Report

There Will Be No Equal Voice For Those Who Question Equality At Duke

When Duke Divinity Professor Paul Griffiths questioned the usefulness of a racial equality training program on his campus,  he found himself facing the star chamber-like proceedings which eventually led to his resignation last week.


Whether Griffiths stayed and fought or just left, the message to the rest of the faculty would still be communicated loud and clear. Now that the ideologues have gained positions of control, the rest of the faculty had better mouth the correct affirmations or face persecution and expulsion.

9 Comments on There Will Be No Equal Voice For Those Who Question Equality At Duke

  1. Duke has been dead since the faculty and administration convicted the lacrosse team ten minutes after the hoax rape hit the papers.

    Honestly, the lacrosse team house was torn down because it was so tainted – it was the scene of a horrific crime. It was a hateful hoax against innocent college kids.

    The president of the NAACP still says “somethin’ happen'”

  2. probably not as eloquent as what some others have said, but I typed in a bit of a fury on FB:

    “Actually the more I contemplate this article the more it angers me—it angers me that Heath can ban Dr. Griffiths from doing his job because she doesn’t like his opinion, AND that this is something way too many Europeans can’t get their minds around because they think that people SHOULD be constrained in what they say. That stupid university (Vermont?) that referred to the word “American” as “problematic” gave the game away: what you talk about DOES shape your thinking (they said this), which is why they want to control what you can talk about or say. Why is that such a difficult concept??? Why should someone’s opinion send them to disciplinary procedures including, not long after, jail? How long before these people start to realize that at some point something THEY say will be objectionable as well, because it NEVER EVER EVER ends. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that this comes from a school of religion, but I am, and it scares me that places where people learn to lead, counsel, aid in and be a part of people’s spiritual lives can dig in so tyrannically and aim to harm our souls in this manner. This is so beyond the pale and frankly disgusting I really don’t have the words anymore.”

  3. @Lisl May 24, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    Those that can withstand other’s speech don’t have the moral fortitude to exterminate those that can not.

    Those that can not withstand other’s speech don’t have the moral fortitude to stop themselves from exterminating those that can.

    Pick a side.

  4. Anonymous, I don’t live by sound bites so if you’d like to make a point, select something I said that was unclear or otherwise comment, feel free, but no thanks on the smug, we have plenty here.

  5. Amazing that the best and brightest would choose such bondage and promote it as a mandatory merit badge. When a female Dean uses such words as “this process is in place because”, “your refusal”, “expectations”, “your inappropriate behavior over the last two years”, “unacceptable for you to refuse to meet with me”, “refusal… will have consequences”, “you will not be permitted”, your continual refusal”, and finishes “I remain available”. Well folks, we’ve seen this game played at work and from a this Dean to Griffiths I’d say he has been tarred, feathered, labeled and screwed forever.
    It is the politics of personal destruction, and he is a sacrifice to their false gods. I hope he can retire to a peaceful life and write a book about it. He sounds like a good guy.

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