There’s a Bounty on Conservative Supreme Court Justices – IOTW Report

There’s a Bounty on Conservative Supreme Court Justices

Washington Examiner

A liberal protest group is offering cash to anyone who sees the conservative justices of the Supreme Court and provides their location.

The justices targeted by the group ShutDownDC are John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. The group tweeted that it is willing to give “$50 to anyone who gives a confirmed sighting and $200 if the Justice or Justices are in the same area 30 minutes after their location is given.” More

20 Comments on There’s a Bounty on Conservative Supreme Court Justices

  1. The judges should call it in themselves, and tell them to bring cash.
    Then kill (metaphorically, of course) whatever maggots show up.
    Beat them senseless (?) with a baseball bat – after getting the $250.

    There are ways to discourage these attacks.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It’s a cryin’ shame there is such a shortage of testosterone in the Pentagon, they should have taken over the entire government long ago and hang the commie bastards!

  3. “Twitter, the platform on which ShutDownDC announced its “bounty,” does not allow users to “engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”

    And yet they haven’t been banned, only if your posts are conservative will you be banned..

  4. Time for an old fashioned ambush:
    Give them a location where there won’t be any members of SCOTUS, but there will be a free-fire zone where & when the commies arrive.

  5. they ‘put out a contract’ on the SC judges
    which is tolerated and encouraged
    I don’t understand at all
    isn’t this what is called ‘stalking?’

  6. There is a major problem with SCOTUS.
    The problem is that when a justice dies, no matter the cause (cough – Scalia), the current president gets to nominate the next one. Thankfully McConnell stood up to 0bama in 2016, but the Left would love to murder 6 people, knowing it would change the world. Even if it was acknowledged as murder they would be replaced by the sitting president.


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