There’s a Line Between Civility and Intrusion and The Left Keeps Crossing It – IOTW Report

There’s a Line Between Civility and Intrusion and The Left Keeps Crossing It


Derek Hunter-

You probably shouldn’t write while pissed off, but I don’t really have the luxury to wait. I also doubt there will be any time before my deadline when these complete jackasses on the left aren’t doing something so worthless I wouldn’t revel in seeing them dive into a swimming pool only to discover there’s no water in it. They’ve turned me, and I’d guess one hell of a lot of other people, into people who literally can’t stand anything they’re pushing.

I honestly couldn’t care less about someone’s sexuality, never really gave a damn about it. As such, I have a lot of friends who happen to be gay. But their being gay doesn’t define who they are any more than being straight defines who I or my other friends are. I don’t care what some adult does with their genitals – I’m very live and let live. As long as who you do it with is of age and willing, you have to explain it to God, I don’t. 

Thanks to the progressive movement’s determination to “divide to conquer” the American public, so many activists are now their sexual orientation. 


11 Comments on There’s a Line Between Civility and Intrusion and The Left Keeps Crossing It

  1. One of my supervisors is gay and he doesn’t bother me because he doesn’t go around trying to convince the rest of us his gayness. He leaves us alone and we don’t care what he does with his partner when he’s not at work. Other than being somewhat of a drama queen at times he’s more or less of an OK guy.

  2. The problem with ALL minorities is they aren’t satisfied with equal rights — which they ALREADY HAVE. They want superior rights and special treatment and protections under the law. And we’ve seen it, now. They aren’t even happy with that!

  3. Personally I think this incessant need to broadcast to the world your preferred sexual activity, as you aptly put it Beachmom, is a tell-tale sign that they know it isn’t normal which results in them trying to convince everyone (including themselves) that it is OK. They are not secure with their chosen lifestyle when they’re constantly screaming and crying about it!

  4. Every day their disgusting behavior and lack of any basis of civility makes it easier to do what’s going to have to be done, because they’re too evil to ever stop what they do.
    Let’s go, Brandon!

  5. Only on the left can one win by losing. The bigger a loser a person can become the higher up the leftist hierarchy one can ascend.

    Biden comes to mind as Exhibit One, but there are plenty of others.

  6. Well, yes, there are more than two genders. In fact, there are three: masculine, feminine, and neutral. Gender is a grammatical term.
    There are ONLY two sexes: Male and Female.

    The perverts, assholes, dystopians, and nihilists who are trying to divide and sub-divide society (atomize, really) will use any lie, any subterfuge, any gullibility, and any reticence by their opposition to further their Satanic aims.

    We have stood silent for far too long while these maggots have appropriated the language to confuse and deceive the lower IQ minions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Dr. Tar

    “But their being gay doesn’t define who they are any more than being straight defines who I or my other friends are.”

    I think the flip side of this is: Any queer could have accomplished what he or she did in life without changing into a queer. An example is Alan Turing, who is given credit for developing the concept of electronic computers. He could have done all that without becoming a queer and eventually killing himself and thereby removing his great intellect from mankind forever.

    IMO, these people have no moral values, or they get overly horny and don’t care where they put it, or think they are sophisticated and much more hip than we common folk, or get some devilish thrill by challenging God’s word.


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