There’s a lot of reason to be very afraid in 2022 – IOTW Report

There’s a lot of reason to be very afraid in 2022

Dementia Joe just said this–

20 Comments on There’s a lot of reason to be very afraid in 2022

  1. Yeah, we hope the democrats get crushed in the mid-terms. We hope a new GOP house majority leader is found who will greenlight the impeachment of Joe Biden. We hope that asshole Bitch McConnell will actually follow thru on a removal vote.

  2. Was this part of his annual Kwanza message?

    See: “Noted in Passing: Waiting on the Rapture” ( “I’m always encouraged when things go from bad to worse.” ~AbigailAdams

  3. Apparently, Dementia Joe can’t read a teleprompter with one foot high numbers and words without making mistakes, but at least he knows what century we’re living in. Give him some time, we’ll be living in the Twilight Zone next month.

  4. @Marco: The Twilight Zone began on 12/14/2020, and is called “Operation Warp Speed.” Spear headed and bragged about since by Trump. He still brags about what he accomplished with the jab to this day and encourages everyone to get the jab. Trump was so confident about the jab that he did not allow for law suits in case of injury or death from the jab. Biden tried to own getting the jab out there but has since gave that award back to Trump, Biden and his handlers want no part of taking credi6t for any of it. They’ll use it against Trump – they already are.

  5. @The Mule, impeachment, oh come on man! Just look at Trump, 2 times went nowhere! It takes 2/3rds of the Senate to convict, 2/3rds can’t agree on the time for a lunch break. Ted Cruz is toutin this, damn this guy, had no brains before he left for Cancun, he lost all his “smarts” a long long time ago.

  6. His handlers should put him out at least once a day to make a fool of himself.
    Somebody should keep a couple of little girls just to the side of the camera where we couldn’t see them but we could see the Usurping Joe the Pedophile sweat while rubbing his crotch and making kissy lips.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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