There’s a new type of Karen – Carin’ – IOTW Report

There’s a new type of Karen – Carin’

This white bint is so woke she can tell blacks a thing or two about the black experience, not realizing that this is about as racist as it comes.

26 Comments on There’s a new type of Karen – Carin’

  1. That girl is painful to watch. She has been totally programmed. Those officers are wasting their breath trying to reason with her. She’s afraid to shut up long enough to hear anyone else’s opinion. If anything rational got through to her, like she’s the real racist, her head would explode.

  2. Tucker Carlson last night (paraphrase) “These people are idiots. Absolute morons”.

    If Tucker keeps on this roll he’s been on, he may be our nominee in 2024.

  3. @Bite Me Commie – I’d vote for Tucker Carlson in a heartbeat.

    You wanna bet that some racist Leftist asshole will attempt to Cancel-Culture Carlosn by claiming that his bow-tie somehow represents a noose? Just wait and see.

  4. Reminds me of the insufferable, idiot, loudmouth, See You Next Tuesday’s that thought they were the epitome of erudite in college.

    CS Lewis wrote a book titled The Abolition of Man. This variation of prog has reduced itself to nothing but a subhuman bot and would not have what it takes to have the slightest clue what Lewis is talking about. Not only are they stupid, they would truly be considered beneath contempt… if they hadn’t, of their own volition, reduced themselves to a subhuman level.

  5. Well intentioned officers. Good men with the heart to serve their community, tried to have a intellectual conversation with a leftist dimwit – a complete waste of time.
    Great officers like this eventually will leave the force, because they don’t have the support of progressive government officials. Praying they won’t be written up or fired for “aggressive, offensive speech”. You just can’t reason with a fool.

  6. @ gin blossom JUNE 25, 2020 AT 2:42 PM

    We had a black guy at the community college I went for a couple years who didn’t try and have a reasoned conversation with any of the social justice See You Next Tuesdays, by the time he got done dressing them down they got the education that they sorely needed and were missing. I don’t know that it changed their attitudes, but it did wonders for their behavior in public.

    Saw it go down twice and came away thoroughly impressed.

  7. Dadof4
    JUNE 25, 2020 AT 2:05 PM
    “She’ll be one of the first ones to go down in commie town.”

    …my guess is that she’s already “gone down” a LOT.

    …that’s the ONLY reason the Black guys put up with her…

  8. Oh Nooo! Not my SNS with a dirty joke! I actually thought it was a little open for that. Low hanging fruit, if you will.

    I walked myself into one on Father’s Day that wasn’t misinterpret-able until the very last word. There was a second of silence, then the whole room busted out laughing. No, not going to repeat it here, but it had to do with the total count of lovers in my life and counting them on my, er, something with digits. I married young and wasn’t a hound dawg, so the number is quite low. I’ll leave it at that.


    I was thinking of you when I found this old video again.

    You always say it’s a bad idea to send a fire truck to a riot for all the various reasons you list.

    How about a water truck, without all the steal-able tools on it?

    This looks like a winner, to me.

  9. Dancing with gay men is at least some consolation – although very little. Oh well, you can be the one who watches all of the purses. And just for clarification, giving your gay best friend a hand job while he closes his eyes and rubs up against your facial stubble pretending you’re a dude doesn’t count as scoring

  10. Dadof4
    JUNE 25, 2020 AT 9:27 PM

    “…How about a water truck, without all the steal-able tools on it…”

    …Absolutely. A purpose-built and engineered vehicle with a one-man operable pump; remotely operated roof-mounted deck gun; large water supply so it doesn’t have to lay in; armored, lockable cab for operator protection; run flat tires; used to support a larger, planned operation; and – most importantly – NOT wearing FD colors so the Left doesn’t get new pictures like THIS:

    …Fire/EMS cannot function without some level of public trust. They are not trained and equipped to fight, and don’t have the manpower for firefighting AND scene protection even if they WERE. If the public thinks you’re there as an aggressor, they will TREAT you as such.

    …I have a CCW and carry a gun, but I am also still a trained first responder and carry a basic medic bag at all times. I do not carry my weapon IN my bag, however. The tools of life should NOT be mixed with those of death, they have divergent purposes clear to EVERYONE and a gun under a Star of Life would just destroy trust, and could be dangerous besides as you wouldn’t pull the gun to service a patient, but couldn’t protect the gun IN the bag while doing so.

    …besides, unlike LEO, anything a MEDIC breaks, he has to FIX. I had to smash a guy’s wrist once to disarm him when he pulled a knife on me (LEO isn’t infallable), but that was just more work for ME because once the threat waz removed, I had to splint THAT shit, TOO. We did get basic self-defense training from our cops including how to help LEO if you’re a hostage, but you BREAK it, you BUY it, and that’s NOT what you want “the community” to think you’re THERE for.

    So, Police water cannon…YES
    Fire Truck…NO.

    …use the dye too so you can find and arrest the protestors later…


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