There’s a very specific reason Bush never left DC until December 26th.
And once you read it, you will never forget it. And it’s something that should always be used when leftists start laying into “evil” Bush.
Unlike Obama, Bush just couldn’t force so many people to be dragged away from their loved ones on Christmas because the president was on the move.
Story HERE.
cant say he wasnt a courteous and kind man.
Now it’s no pork in the white house during ramalamadingdong.
Reagan did the same thing, as did other first families. Obama is the most uncaring of all. He and she just don’t give a shit. Hillary will be much the same, uncaring. Hell she won’t even use the Ladies Room if there is a serf in there .
He is a gracious guy, Mrs Bush was what a First Lady should be. These two imposters will continue to stick it up our ass till the cows come home.
Oh, not serf, American citizen.
There’s a lot you can criticize W for, but not for being a caring man. His regular visits to Walter Reed and the time spent with the wounded men he sent to war showed that.
The real answer is that Santa Claus won’t find you if your not at home.
I still consider him the best we’ve had in my lifetime solely based on his handling of the attacks and his response to it.
The President’s role as Commander In Chief of the mightiest military in history eclipses all other aspects of the office in my mind.
Reagan was the best in every other way I reckon, but I was disappointed in his response to Beirut.
Ay, Tommy, cut her some slack. She doesn’t want anyone to know that she pees standing up
I read this years ago and it did not surprise me a bit. Nor does the self-centeredness of the current occupiers of America’s House.
Yes, even though W. was a squishy liberal, he was a man of the highest caliber. A true American.
And, I think for the most part, an honorable man.
Plundering the Treasury for TARP and other bullshit was misguided, at best.
392 days, 13 hours, and 32 minutes.
Don’t think for a minute that those press ‘elites’ are crying because they’re stuck in Hawaii for the holidays.
It’s finally under 400 days. Can’t wait for January 2017.