There’s a sucker, literally, born every day – IOTW Report

There’s a sucker, literally, born every day

A wedding photographer who scammed people, by not fulfilling his photographic obligations, moved on to an even bolder scam.

He looks pretty self-satisfied in his booking photo. (He needs his buttĀ kicked.)


10 Comments on There’s a sucker, literally, born every day

  1. Sorry, but if you’re a woman, and you’re fucking stupid enough and skanky enough to blow some fucking troll just because he says he can get you a job being a porn whore, then you’re just a goddamn imbecilic skanky ass ho-bag dipshit. Get a real fucking job you stupid ass whore. Maybe that “rash” will clear up then.

  2. If he had done the wedding shoot and been half bad he still would have a good paying gig. If he had bothered to free lance for a porn agency by finding models he still would have well paying gig. But,Noooo,he has got to,for some reason,defraud people. This is something I have seen and seen again in people of criminal nature. If they would put half the effort working that they do scheming they would be well off and not have a record! I shake my head in disbelie,and despair for the species.

  3. I’m not a lawyer, but it seems to me that what he did was perfectly legal, until he started with the blackmail portion. Telling some whore a BS story to get her in the sack isn’t illegal, or at least it shouldn’t be.

    Unless of course we’re saying that adult women can’t be held responsible for their own freely-made decisions…which would put them on the level of children. Are we saying that?

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