There’s no Team in Megan- Rapinoe, the self-absorbed narcissist – IOTW Report

There’s no Team in Megan- Rapinoe, the self-absorbed narcissist

The sex appeal of a manatee

I’ve been watching baseball division winners, pennants, and World Series locker room victory celebrations since the 60s and I don’t recall ever hearing a player say “I deserve this.” And that includes the MVP winner.

What a tool.

61 Comments on There’s no Team in Megan- Rapinoe, the self-absorbed narcissist

  1. Yes, a tool – but more of a wedge – the simplest tool of all. It is also what will be needed to pry those apart – Manatees are STRONG!

  2. Photoshop is Fake News. She does not look like that.

    She is an ungracious winner. Lance Armstong personality.

    But most soccer players have a prima donna Euro trash nature. They wouldn’t last 2 min brawling with a Hockey Player or an NFL player.

    There is no doubt they are the best women’s team in the world but the way they ran up a massive score against Thailand did not sit well with many people.
    Then they have all been crying about being paid less than the men this entire tournament even though they can’t beat an Under 17 men’s semi pro farm team.
    Not nearly the same viewership, thus not nearly the $$$$$

    The best coach I ever had said “once you are well ahead of much weaker team don’t run up the score, treat it like a high speed practice because you wouldn’t like it happening to you.” He was a firefighter and I learned more about winning and loosing with dignity from him than I ever did from a school teacher.

  3. And who gives a fuck about womens soccer except for lesbos?

    Any high school boys team in the country could beat them after an all night kegger but they’re croning on like they put a maxipad on the moon.

    You beat Trinidad and Tobago and Papua New Guinea. Whoopdi fucking doo.

  4. All these women needed to do is keep their mouths shut and they would’ve been the most popular people in the country.
    But there’s probably more money in being a loud mouthed asshole. (See: Colon Kippernickel)

  5. I had a doctor’s appointment today and the waiting room tv was tuned to the parade for the team in NYC today. Obnoxious speeches by the commie mayor and his wife and when the national anthem played I saw MOST of the team covering their hearts and even singing along but guess which one stood stone faced with arms elsewhere? MeAgain Rapinhoe

  6. How classless and insulting for her to represent the USA and trash her country and flag every chance she got publicly. And who is she to decide the entire team is skipping the White House? Of course there has to be an enabling coach behind all this.

  7. His team won the so-called World Cup for Women which means that they are now ranked 6,751 in the world right behind every male and female high school and Jr. high school soccer teams!

  8. Don’t care about soccer, especially the less appealing women’s soccer. Thanks to loud mouth, traitous queer harpies like Rapinoe, soccer won’t be that popular with citizens of the United States.

    The only reason soccer is even a sport here, is because progressives hyped it so their children and illegals can keep occupied and to create another market stream to manipulate for their leftist causes.

  9. If you dye her hair dark and slap some glasses on her, instant Rachel Maddow.

    And if you take off the glasses and put on some bushy eyebrows, instant David Hogg.

    And if Anderson Cooper dyed his hair pink and put on the team uniform, he’d have a great Halloween costume. Except nobody will remember her by Halloween.

  10. The picture, undoubtedly a photoshop product, is actually a challenge to Sports Unmentionable: Put that photo on the cover of your next swimsuit edition!

    Let’s see what happens.

  11. The photo was definitely NOT photoshopped, even a cursory Google search will reveal several SI swimsuit shots of Rapinoe.

    But who cares what she looks like on the outside, whether you find her attractive or not, she is not attractive on the inside.

  12. pj –

    i got a niece who’s a roller derby prima donna…..

    i doubt our “little boy with pink hair who’s playing for the woman’s soccer team” (hat tip rich roberts, wbap dallas fort worth 820 am radio) would stand a chance against her….first off, outweighed at least two to one….second, the derby is a way meaner game…..

    yeah…….they really should be paid the same as the guys…..
    …….just as soon as they bring in as much money as the guys…

    …………which will never EVER happen…….too bad so sad…..


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