There’s not enough popcorn on the planet for what we have in store for us – IOTW Report

There’s not enough popcorn on the planet for what we have in store for us


Officials at the school say administrators joined the students on their walk down California Avenue to express their anger toward the outcome of the election.

The students are protesting because they are not old enough to vote, officials say. Many have signs reading, “not my president.”

The reaction from the students isn’t the first public outcry over Donald Trump’s election in Seattle. Overnight, disgruntled voters hit the streets of Capitol Hill, setting fires and blocking traffic.

Socialist Alternative Seattle is planning a protest Wednesday afternoon at 4 p.m. in Westlake Park.

ht/ illustr8r

62 Comments on There’s not enough popcorn on the planet for what we have in store for us

  1. Oh, those kids! They’ll do anything to get out of a math test. And the Seattle Mayor? Well, he’s just upset that all that Sanctuary City Ca$h-Ola is getting cut off!

    Boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo.

  2. Instead of questioning Trump regarding his accepting the results of an election,legitimate or not, Chris Wallace should have looked into the TV camera and asked these liberal whackos what they would do if Trump won.

  3. Two of my High School kids came home today and were talking and laughing. I asked what was up? Junior said her History teacher was crying today. And Sophomore said her math teacher was also crying today. So I asked
    Over Trump?
    You mean LITERALLY crying.

    Sophomore said another teacher had to come in to console.
    Junior said she thought it was pretty funny. Her teacher was a male.

    We all laughed and I made note of the teacher’s names. We have parent-teacher meetings next week.

  4. They are marching now. Blocking traffic and breaking things with their sustainably sourced wooden sticks and their 100% recycled paper professionally printed signs. This city, this place…good grief.

  5. A high school in the people’s republic of Boulder, CO did the same today. Amazing the tolerant left, so concerned Trump would not accept his loss are not accepting the actual election result.

  6. I sure enjoyed work today. No crying but lots gathered pods of libs lamenting “I can’t believe “they” elected that pig”, etc. I just smiled and walked by. My friend (the only conservative that I know there) and I just smiled all day. When we passed each other in the hall, we would just laugh.

    Ahhh, what a wonderful day.

  7. These teachers that are indoctrinating the students aren’t doing them any favours. Apart from not preparing them for life they are cheapening the name of the school in the eyes of Universities that these little Maoists want to march to waving their little red Hillary biographies. With some post secondary institutions it won’t matter (although I suspect for the most part these aren’t the ones the little darlings would be able to apply to anyway) but with others it’s likely a tie will go to the other applicant.

  8. Let’s see if I understand the main points. A mob of lib/prog H-Rod supporters are so upset by her defeat that they are rampaging through neighborhoods burning the cars and breaking the property of residents who mostly are also lib/prog H-Rod supporters?

    Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

  9. Now let us not judge too harshly, these springtime souls enjoying the brief flowering of their consciousness for not wanting the Fell Specter of ‘Dealing With Shit’ to cast a scary shadow on their lives.
    Brimming with Toxic Masculinity (as evidenced by the Hot Wife, and winning the ‘Rubio Hand Gambit’) Trump casts a shadow of accomplishment that hurts others, and makes mock of their sensitive natures.
    Having denied himself the balm of a good cry since some distant childhood injury, Trump has no common ground with today’s sensitive Man-Bun aficionado. How can a man who enjoys toil, emote with our modern Man?
    His work ethic is a slap in the face of those whom are familiar with competition anxiety.
    That is unfair on so many levels.

  10. Meerkat Brzezinski,
    I was in college in 1994 when HR Clinton managed to unseat the Democrats from control of The House for the first time in 40 years. That was a great day to see tears a flowing.

  11. I fear for the safety of Mr. Trump and his family. People are crazy and some of the things I read today from sane “progressives” I know =who have jobs and families-are completely unhinged. I cannot imagine what is being cooked up in the heads of those who rabble rouse for a living-like the idiots in the streets of Seattle tonight.

  12. What, exactly, are they protesting? Seattle was a progressive shithole yesterday, a progressive shithole today, and will be a progressive shithole tomorrow. President-Elect Trump, and later President Trump, will not change that status because, among other things, he has better things to do than worry about a self-inflicted progressive shithole.

    Possibly they are upset because the Trump victory indicates that most of America has repudiated their beliefs. But the good news is that they can still abide by those beliefs themselves – they just won’t be able to easily export their policies to other areas of the country that do not want to be progressive shitholes.

    This is an educational moment because these students and some faculty have discovered that the earth really is not flat and a majority of Americans think progressives are morons. The lesson to be learned is that these folks should never, ever leave Seattle.

  13. I had commented on an earlier post that the true battle is about to begin. The professional left which has been hypocritically silent throughout Obama’s presidency will come completely unhinged on Trump. Way more so than they ever were with Bush II. This is merely a foretaste of what is to come.

  14. @Illustr8r

    Seattle @ Third and Pine.

    Wasn’t there a big to-do at 3rd and Pine a couple months ago? Rioting or a shooting somewhere else and I don’t remember where. Then out of the blue the cops surrounded a building at 3rd Pine? What ever came of that? I searched the news for a couple days immediately after and came up empty.

  15. Wyatt, Nouns and verbs can be switched and juked, but what you just typed is the manifesto for whats wrong with, at least Oakland….perhaps Las Vegas….Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis….Detroit….

  16. It’s hilarious watching these screeching fascist garbage babies shitting in their own foxholes and shooting at their own forts. There are virtually no Trump supporters in Seattle. They’re only pissing off the people who are on their own side… for now.

  17. I’m trying to look at it this way: The worse those morons behave, the more they convince people sitting on the fence to support our new President.

    Even so, Seattle could still use a nice 7.5 under Century Link Field – kind of like good old fashioned electro-shock therapy which the Soviet State of Washington’s mental hospitals used to be so famous for.

  18. Liberalism’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
    Signifying nothing.

  19. To quote Obama in 2013 address to congress:

    You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

    From; Key moments from President Obama’s speech the morning after Congress passed a deal to raise the debt ceiling and reopen the government. –

  20. Wyatt AA and I live in the middle of this shithole, we have done all we can to change this shithole (* Seattle is truly one of America’s most beautiful cities) if we could only keep out the transplanted libs.

  21. I just realized Trump has come through on one of his promises from the very beginning. He told us we would be sick of winning if he was elected.

    Half the country is sick of him winning already!


  22. I was just wondering. Is it wrong to trick a bus load of homeless people into driving down to Seattle to protest, then dropping them off at McDonald’s and telling them to go in and order whatever they want, telling them I’m gonna park the bus and will then come in and pay. Then just driving off to pick up another load?

  23. Some people use any reason to destroy what you have that they never will have.
    Thought — how persistent would the riots be if they did not get the press or tv air time they do?
    The media covers the riots, there are then more riots — it becomes a self-feeding situation.

  24. @ Eugenia Being in a blue area of the state – it’s started here. My youngest has been blocked on facebook by some and one long time friend is blowing his phone up with real long texts over the fear his parents will be deported – AFTER 40 YEARS OF BEING IN AMERICA!

    Then that “friend” of his was trying to teach my son that having life long friends of multiple races doesn’t mean he isn’t racist.

    Friend is in quotes because no real friend would say that. I predict an end to that friendship shortly. It’s impossible with that attitude of victim hood and irresponsibility for one’s results in life.

  25. Is Nieto your president? Consider going home. Don’t try that attitude there unhealthy results to be expected. Also in your mind where do my rights to travel freely end and your rights to Trump them begin?

  26. They have about 2-1/2 months to keep this disruptive BS up. After that Trump should have an Attorney General in place, that will control any violent and disruptive actions. Squelch this BS before it turns into a hot mess like Ferguson or Baltimore. 1st Amendment says (in part) “the right of the people peaceably to assemble,” Damaging property or arson isn’t considered ‘peaceable’ and shall be handled appropriately.

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