There’s one reason why Ronna McDaniel keeps the GOP debates going – IOTW Report

There’s one reason why Ronna McDaniel keeps the GOP debates going

Revolver: Many are questioning the rationale behind continuing to host and broadcast GOP debates with head-scratchingly liberal hosts, given their low viewership and the general consensus that no one on stage can beat President Trump. So, what’s the real purpose of these events? A libertarian writer, Jeffrey Tucker, believes he’s unraveled the mystery.

Tucker initially found these debates absurd. However, after further consideration, he’s come to see a strategy unfolding before our eyes, orchestrated by influential figures working for the establishment. He claims that it’s all part of a larger plan to damage President Trump and conservatives in the eyes of the general public. Tucker has noticed that each debate seems deliberately crafted to create dissonance among various voter groups, and he’s given us some interesting examples. More

23 Comments on There’s one reason why Ronna McDaniel keeps the GOP debates going

  1. I think Jeffery Fuckin Tucker is pissing up a rope. Trump has a more dedicated base than anyone I’ve seen in my 60+ years. The opposition is grasping at straws and hoping the corrupt judicial system saves their TRAITOROUS ASSES!!

  2. The swampy gop are hoping at least one court case will end Trump then try to force voters to choose a deep state approved candidate.
    Trouble is most of us will write Trump’s name in even if he did by some hook or crook get sent to prison.

  3. This was obvious from day one of her tenure.

    The elite HAVE TO CONTROL the Republican Party because, if they don’t, the country will REVERT to 19th century independence and probably undo the corporate favoritism and crony capitalism that have made them great wealth while cancelling our Republic.

    There is currently NO party that represents the people and THEIR Constitution. And, BTW, screw the ‘United States Corporation’ to hell!

  4. You IOTW critters are really starting to get it. Corporations run the gubmit owned and controlled by the 1% of the 1% who own the corporations who are in turn owned and controlled by Satan.

    When you filter the Uniparty actions though the Lucifer Lens you get the scales to fall from your eyes and discernment begins.

    90% of our political class are Luciferians. I admit that it wasn’t until Romney that the scales fell from my own eyes, but I’m fully awake now.

    In my 34 military years most of us payed little attention to politics as we had to remain apolitical but now I fully understand.

    We are currently in the glide path to the end of days, I would not be surprised if the Antichrist has already been born.

    The Uniparty fears PDJT and they are doing their best to block him.

  5. Look at ther feild of candidates in the debate, not one worthy of the Presidency. Class Clowns.

    Ronna McDaniel was paid $410,640 by the RNC in 2020.

    The driving force behind McDaniel’s presidential debates is to show the GOP 3rd tier candidates inability to lead and not worthy to to be the selected candidate. She is further damaging the brand that may affect Trump.

    The real driving force is McDaniel’s incompetency and the incompetency of the establishment State Central Committeemen of each state that keeps her in the RNC Position.

  6. It doesn’t matter if Trump “wins” anyway. The entire scumbag DC establishment is his enemy now. They’re literally trying to get him killed now. And if he gets in office, his own branch will defy and sabotage him at every turn, just like last time. We don’t live in a free country with free elections. Probably haven’t since the 1930s.

  7. The last time I watched presidential debates was in 1976 because it was an assignment for a college speech class. They are an absolute waste of time. They don’t enlighten you about anything, they just let you see who makes the biggest gaffe. They are even more worthless now that conservative candidates also have to debate the moderators as well as the other candidates.

  8. The debates are like Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons. They are terrible and have been terrible for a long time, but they are considered so big that nobody involved wants to be the one who suggests they be ended.

  9. Oldsters may remember when the ‘debates’ were actual formal debates. The current bullshit is just that, bullshit. One can learn listening to a formal debate, learn the position, the clarity of thought and argument, the opposing point of view on the subject under examination. One can form reasoned judgements of the participants preparation and underlying relative sharpness of thought.

    The current stand on stage and shout over one another insult-fests do next to nothing to expose and illuminate points of view or depth of thought on any subject. It was fun, though, watching Orange Man Bad stalking the Hildabeast in the 2016 televised political abortions referred to as ‘debates’.

    McDaniel is a Romney and exhibits cousin uncle daddy grandpa nephew… whatever, they’re Mormons, no telling who’s related how for certain… exhibits Mitt’s primary characteristic, self interested opportunism combined with an utter lack of fidelity to anything but his own momentary and continuing interest.


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