There’s something not fishy about this… – IOTW Report

There’s something not fishy about this…

Oh, those scamps. Next thing you know they’ll try and lie about being a religion of peace.

Gulf News-

Fish googly eyes a new scam in Kuwait

Seller found duping customers by sticking ‘fresh’ fake eyes to decomposing fish.

Dubai: A video showing a fish with plastic eyes pushed Kuwaiti authorities to close a shop that was trying to fraud people by hiding its rotting eyes. The state of a fish’s eyes indicates its freshness.
The video posted on Facebook was shared on WhatsApp groups and then was posted on the Twitter account of Kuwaiti newspaper Al Bayan — it then went viral.
Yellow, cloudy and sunken-into-the-head eyes are signs that the fish is more than two days old.
“We’re admittedly torn about this, because there’s nothing funny about foodborne illness,” writes Jelisa Castrodale at Munchies, “but googly eyes are HILARIOUS.” Other vendors were looking to capitalize, advertising “fish without contact lenses.”

9 Comments on There’s something not fishy about this…

  1. what a counkydink. I bet if you were blind folder and relying on your sense of smell, this fish market and Hitlaries Lezbo meeting would both smell the same.

    I know, I’m going to hell.

  2. Mozlems are the most civilized people on earth according to oboinkiodonga. This doesn’t surprise me at all. That fish looks like that broad Sarsour… same eyes, same stench, same slimy skin.

  3. That shows how disgustingly they Live, the Markets they Eat from smell like Tuna Cannery exhaust. Not to mention the recurrent lack of Scrupels or Empathy.
    They belong right where they are.

  4. Kuwaiti fishmonger got the idea from how Hitlery’s team disguises her morbidity with sunglasses, tunics made of tarps, broomsticks up her ass to keep her upright and many. many iv drugs.

    Just imagine how bad she smells!


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