There’s the “Fact of Life” Then There’s Stuff the MSM Does to Help Democrats – IOTW Report

There’s the “Fact of Life” Then There’s Stuff the MSM Does to Help Democrats

Red State

As my colleague, Bob Hoge wrote, not only did the Associated Press mangle the factual wording of what Vance said, but the Harris-Vance campaign mimeographed it to commit what could charitably be described as a character assassination on former President Donald Trump’s running mate…

…Hoge called it a disgusting display, and he nailed it in one word. Here, though, is the icing on the campaign collapse cake for Kamala. In contrast to the single-A, sophomoric work product of the Harris social media hooligan squad, Team Trump must have had its top-tier rapid response team on the clock tonight–because they didn’t mess around and demolished that dumb post to smithereens More

8 Comments on There’s the “Fact of Life” Then There’s Stuff the MSM Does to Help Democrats

  1. But make no mistake. The damage has been done. My wife’s ex libtard friends, her ex classmates from 78, that were thick as thieves will repeat this story back to her verbatim in an effort to prove what assholes our people are.
    In a perfect world they would live under what they voted for. And the rest of us would not. You really can’t fix stupid.

  2. CT Ginger
    Saturday, 7 September 2024, 8:31 at 8:31 am
    “Harris-Vance? Mimeographed? who the hell has a mimeograph machine?” teachers did, in the early ’70s. Fresh copies had a weirdly appealing chemical smell. Probably caused cancer or something, but we werent being taught to fear everything in the world then…

  3. @SNS — Ah, yes, I remember that aroma well. But you’re thinking of Ditto machines. They’re the ones that produced the slick purple-ish copies.

    Mimeographs printed in black letters on heavier slightly tan rough paper. They didn’t have much of an odor and I don’t remember if it was nice or not. Ditto copies were much more common during my school years. Then Xerox massacred all of them.

  4. If we stopped giving school shooters so much press I think it would go down dramatically. Don’t print their names or pictures, relegate them to being non-persons. No 15 minutes of fame.


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