Theresa May bans Muslim migrant from leaving UK because he’s a suspected terrorist – IOTW Report

Theresa May bans Muslim migrant from leaving UK because he’s a suspected terrorist

JihadWatch: Yes, you read that right. Theresa May suspected this man of being a jihad terrorist, and so she wanted to keep him IN Britain.

Theresa May sure does love her some jihad terrorists. Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.

The UK Home Office recently admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”

May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.


7 Comments on Theresa May bans Muslim migrant from leaving UK because he’s a suspected terrorist

  1. “Theresa May bans Muslim migrant from leaving UK because he’s a suspected terrorist wants to keep him in the country” unlike the Australian prime minister who wants to send 1000 potential terrorists to the U.S.

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