These are the custodians of our great men of the past – IOTW Report

These are the custodians of our great men of the past

Be afraid.

24 Comments on These are the custodians of our great men of the past

  1. So is the top of his head. I blame this on cell phones. Morons, mentally deficient individuals have been around since the beginning of time. Cell phones and the Internet gave them a voice.

  2. Try getting your nose out of that phone and look out the plane’s window. Pay careful attention to the horizon, you will see a ever so slight curve, and that is a clue.

  3. You laugh now but this video should not be shown. If enough Progressive scientists see this there could be a consensus that it has merit worth study…then, a Diverse scientific group could concur that the earth is flat and you will soon find out that people who do not believe this are racists and should be jailed…do not laugh, it is lurking in the minds of Leftists everywhere..

  4. Erf. I’m surprised at how many phrases Rush coined end up in the full spectrum of the media. Even one of Hillarys’ reasons for her failed election was ‘low information voters’. Geez, where have I heard that one before.


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