These Black Lives Absolutely DO NOT MATTER – IOTW Report

These Black Lives Absolutely DO NOT MATTER

There’s never a “racist” cop around when you need one.

Tax relief shots to the head would be just fine with me. And the first SJW that opens their flapper gets one too.

I’m sick of this. I’m sick of the big lie that we’re all being force fed, that white people are committing violence against blacks, and white people represent black’s biggest danger.

Where’s the video of the white guys robbing an elderly black woman in church and punching her in the head?
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27 Comments on These Black Lives Absolutely DO NOT MATTER

  1. I was just discussing this with my roommate tonight. With all the illegals and kids (and adults) of color engaging in a war to kill all good in our country, we were wondering when the “fight back” will start.

    I told her that I think it will be soon but we might not ever know about it. That is, until someone gets suspicious as to why so many of them are disappearing. Like that illegal alien child abuser that people think skipped town. Maybe ‘someone’ found him and now he will no longer do harm to anyone else.

    Just wondering.

  2. How many here could get a carry permit but haven’t? How many dry fire practice nightly and get to the range every week end? There’s a war coming no matter who’s elected. Times a waisted.

    Tommy, get the fuck out of there.

  3. I watched a video of San Francisco police “Beating” a disabled black homeless man today. What I saw was an out of control man fighting four cops who were doing everything they could to just cuff him. I then saw the cops have to call for backup because they were surrounded by an angry yelling mob.

    What I didn’t see was what the perp did beforehand.

    All these “Victims” are obviously doing something to get arrested. Then there try to kick, fight and punch (or kill) cops when they are under arrest. That’s when the cameras come out.

    Of course it wouldn’t matter anyway. They could be burning kittens alive and it still wouldn’t be the crooks fault.

  4. Your little propaganda ploy only worked on the 11 stupid people dumb enough to not read all of it. You are one sneaky piece of work, there, Claudia. I was just discussing that last night with my sackmate and she said that she has it upon authority that all the conservatives ever executed in public office were killed by Democrats and Liberals. Maybe “someone” found them and “they” won’t do harm to anyone else. Does all of your Marxist conjecture lead to the same conclusion? Or are you simply so stupid that you cannot comprehend the utter failure of your sacred ideology or the fact that YOUR beliefs killed over 100 million people? Time to get right, Claudia, and stop lying.

  5. Gee Wally, where’s all that so-called “White violence against Blacks”that we keep hearing about?

    I dunno Beave, I think it’s sitting in Starbucks having coffee with Global Warming…

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