These Boots Fit Just Reich – IOTW Report

These Boots Fit Just Reich

Coming in out of the rain will leave a pretty bad impression.


Here are some of the comments on Amazon

-I’ve tried a lot of other boots, but I think these will be my final solution.

-I bought these for camp. When I got there I found out they had piles of free shoes. Oh well.

-Color matches my panzer

-They weren’t the reich size.

-I consider mein kampftorble.

-These boots are absolutely perfect. Tough enough to march across Europe yet comfortable enough to wear around camp.

-Would be better with velcro, It’s hard to master laces.

-Amazing boots, I didnt realize this when I bought them but I found out they are actually completely waterproof. You could wear them in the shower if you wanted to.

-Supremely great boots. Master class.

-What can I say about these boots ? I have used them for my Third Heich, they turned out to be awesome.



27 Comments on These Boots Fit Just Reich

  1. Don’t dig the whole Nazi thing. Plus my dad spent a lot of his time in his youth fighting the Bastards. Plus I have a few friends with really good tans I like a lot. $997.00? Are you smoker crack?

  2. Now that there is funny.

    American exceptionalism starts in the wiseass category. Sure Brits think they own dry humor. Sorry. But no Brit has been funnier than everyday Americans.

  3. Zeig Snowpile … Jack Frost boot

    very interesting …. but schtupid!

    … sometimes a swastika is just a good luck symbol … ya mien Herr?

    I have a plan … Mien Fuhrer … I can walk!!!

  4. Nope. Nope. Nope.
    My father and his crew bombed these bastard murderers. There is nothing funny about them. If you think there is, please go read history and learn the horrid truth.


    “Question: Will these be good boots for walking through snow? I usually walk about a mile through snow every Friday for temple.

    Answer: They’ll do alt right. They trump my old ones anne frankly that’s all I’m asking.”

    OH MY……….

  6. @oolook…

    Lighten up. My pop and a lot of others fought in that war. I know for a fact that most of ’em would appreciate this rather dark humor. Having fought in my war, I learned that when you lose your ability to laugh at the insanity around you, you’re done, because then it will consume you.

  7. They’re Goering to be a Hit(ler). Better order now before the folk Goebbles them up. The ladies can get a pair with a Ribben on Top. Do they come in Braun? I think I can Speer the dough for them.

    Sorry, low fruit, weak effort.

  8. I’ve been watching these Rise And Fall.
    I don’t think they’ll last long once they hit $19.45.
    I vaguely knew they were around at $19.39, but didn’t pay much attention until I got a text alert from Japan.

  9. TN Tux; “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.” – Martin Luther
    We need to apply this constantly to dems, the press and hollywierd.
    Everyday I see some liar, wierdo, pervert or all three on tv and scream “why isn’t that sob laughed off the planet?”

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