These Monsters Should Not Be Walking Amongst Us – IOTW Report

These Monsters Should Not Be Walking Amongst Us

Thank a progressive for this society they have built.

ht/ jd hasty

27 Comments on These Monsters Should Not Be Walking Amongst Us

  1. That person, in that state of condition has zero value to anyone.

    I’m sure some form of Outreach has taken place to obtain the information ensuring he votes responsibly in all elections.

  2. A few years ago a friend, a high school coach/teacher, was attacked on the street by a homeless guy. His dad, former LAPD Vice, commented that he was glad it was his son and not him, because his son didn’t respond by attacking the guy while he would.
    And the reason he was glad that it wasn’t him… was that he would have touched the homeless guy and likely gotten who knows what diseases. He didn’t care whether the guy got hurt or not, after all his son was fortunate to escape serious injury. But a disease from a filthy person… you never know how bad it could be. πŸ™‚

  3. Someone should approach and cold-cock the dude. The ambulance responders can take him to a mental health facility before he hurts someone or himself. After about three felonies this guy should be deported to………….and that’s being kind

  4. Don’t tell me, this guy teaches contracts at Harvard Law School, the opinion editor at the NYT, the new dean at Stanford University, the head of the SCOTUS marshall’s office in charge of the Dobbs investigation, AOC’s new boyfriend, Jerry Nadler’s new boyfriend?

  5. “Someone should approach and cold-cock the dude”

    What LCD said. I sure wouldn’t want to touch him, and if you drill with a hard right you stand a good chance of splitting a knuckles and swapping some blood with him. No thanks. Unless he’s approaching your loved ones best swing a wide birth. It’s a lose lose situation. Dude looks he’s got huge lice using tooth picks to pole vault onto passerby’s.

  6. Yup.
    Thank the progressives.
    Their policies have opened our borders so drugs freely move around the country, they’ve eased or eliminated consequences for crimes and closed the mental health hospitals while using teachers to convince kids whatever they feel like doing is right for them regardless of how selfish and destructive.

    The ignorant, happily uninformed voters who cast their ballots for the Dirty Dems and uniparty are the ones who put them in office.

  7. Looks like a typical day in Seattle.

    We had two homeless campers in the neighborhood over the weekend, sleeping in their pick up trucks. A first for us. Canopied trucks filled with clothes, food and garbage.

    Neighbors got on NextDoor and asked WTF-do we call the police? Um, yeah. One truck left after a neighbor slapped a note on his window that the cops had been called. Another neighbor with a big assed truck parked next to the remaining guy and honked his horn until they left. At least in this county, for now, the sheriffs can still be sheriffy unlike in King County.

    We are fairly rural and redneck’ish here. Next weekend a neighbor is having tractor races. He’s invited people with unique cars to show them off and β€œyour Prius doesn’t count.” πŸ‘ Anyway, hoping word has spread that we aren’t a welcoming community.

  8. Yeah, no touchie. A friend lost a finger punching a guy in the mouth. Snaggletooth cut him on contact and he got blood poisoning off it. He was in hunting camp when it became clear he had to do something with it. By the time they got back to medical care the only choice was to lop it off.

  9. Speaking of ANTIFA. Jason Aldean released a song “Try That In A Small Town”. All the Libtards are after him. Including the CMA. Song went strait up to numero uno. I read they just took it off youboob. Interesting story.


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