These people are disgusting, why would you want to be a part of anything they are a part of? – IOTW Report

These people are disgusting, why would you want to be a part of anything they are a part of?

I feel like I need a Karen Silkwood shower after viewing this video. What vile filth, and I’m not even talking about Randa Jarrar. It’s all the other freaks. Jarrar the Gut is the most normal person in this video, even when she’s opening her legs as she’s talking.

42 Comments on These people are disgusting, why would you want to be a part of anything they are a part of?

  1. The word most fitting is repulsive. A disgusting,self hating large mass of repulsion.
    Self control and hygiene aren’t practiced nor any civility. People like that will live an ugly isolated existence and normal decent people will avoid like the contents of a septic system.

  2. Wow. She’s advocating violence. That should work out well. She’s so fat I don’t think she can actually close her legs. I don’t think she can physically reach back and wipe her own ass.

  3. “…even when she’s opening her legs as she’s talking.”

    She’s not actually opening them, her thigh fat won’t allow them to close.

    If she’s making $100K a year, they must be paying her by the pound.

  4. @Bad_Brad: I’m typing very, very slow this morning. Your leg closing remark wasn’t there when I started my comment. Just so’s you know I didn’t copy you.


  5. Nice “man-spreading” ya got goin there Randa. One of the promised 72 virgins?

    I’d buy her a wheelbarrow full of Big Macs if she can cross her legs while sitting. Same goes for Hillary but I guess I’d have to offer a barrow full of chardonnay and chocolate.

  6. She got more ham than a hog. A heaving gelatinous mass of pus who deep down is ruled by self loathing. What is the real shock is that this obese ignorant toad is actually paid, paid! to stand in front of young adults and spew forth her hate-filled shit. Behold the end product of the last 50 years of control of the schools by the democrat communist party.

  7. Professor of F’ing English? How did she F’ing get through an interview and background check for F’ing employment, unless someone just like her did the F’ing hiring. I suspect the college is full of these vile F’ing people. This publicity will impact the F’ing business bottom line, for sure. Does she like F’ing capitalism?

  8. @Bad_Brad (at 6:18 am): You’re right – her arms are much too short to reach her shady place. That’s probably why she has those other two freaks around – the ones sitting in the chairs beside her in the video.

    I’m betting the bull dyke does the heavy work of cheek-spreading while the fag in the purple and yellow socks does the wiping. Or scraping, whatever. Remember the poop knife story?

    Eww, I think I just grossed myself out just then. I hate it when that happens.


  9. Oh, and if you don’t like her you must be a Racist Islamaphobic Mysogynistic Homophobic Right-wing extremist who should go back to your cave ’cause society is improving/moving in a Progressive direction without you whether you like it or not.

  10. I couldn’t watch the whole thing. I just sampled thru it enough to get the jist of it.
    That is one foul, disgusting, sick, twisted freak show of mental illness right there and, yes, I believe it gets a paycheck to cater to the foul underbelly of society as well as pervert and corrupt the next generation. She is spewing the ammunition of the Left.

  11. KMM – I’m already there… I just call it a Man Cave.
    However I will say this, call me a Racist Islamaphobic Mysogynistic Homophobic Right-wing extremist enough times and I might just become one!
    (I think that’s their goal… ya know say anything enough times….)

  12. At first it reminded me of a clergy support group I saw in action while I was a minister in the United Church of Christ – the attitudes and language and advocacy for violence was similar.

    Then I realized it was just some sick faggos projecting and talking about their relationships with their parents and others in positions of authority in the white man’s culture. Victims, all of them I say!

  13. And these are the people who want to point out that we are intolerant. Hahaha! How do you think this Hippo would reply if I told her I was offended by her rude & crude talk? Betcha 5 buck it would include F-bombs and a direction I should depart to.

  14. Send her back from where she hails, Egypt. Let her spew beneath her tent sized burka & see how accepting they are of her queerness.
    She was brought here as a child, accepted into our country, granted citizenship, and uses the 1A to blame us for the downtrodden state of HER lands and ppl. No honey, that’s Islam, and the only bombs keeping “your people” oppressed are strapped to your “martyrs”.

  15. These people feel fit and competent to dictate everything in your life via the safe barrier of a remote and faceless bureaucracy, when you know half of them can’t manage to bathe properly.

  16. Conflicted…

    Do I comment on the gross qualities of physical appearance on this “she beast?”


    Do I make jokes about the positive and appealing aura that is the “extreme turn on” for all of us rubes from fly-over country?

    What to do, what to do…

    If there was a hunting season on this species no one would avail themselves to taking one of these because they wouldn’t be able to deal with the stench when you gutted the animal. It would be more of a culling experience or the “Three S’s.”

    (Shoot, Shovel & Shut Up)

  17. I read that there are a significant number of Fresno alumni that have routinely donated money that are discussing withholding future donations until they see how the school handles this.

  18. Ewww, after watching that ~ the big question is how screwed up Fresno State must be to think it was ever a good idea to employ this potty mouthed arrogant attitude skank.

    Geez, she’s delusional too. She is the bigger person she claimed to be alright, but not in the sense of “bigger person” she meant it. She’s a bigger person on the outside, and a very small minded person on the inside.

    Was letting her stand & blabber behind a lectern with a sign on the front marked “POSITIVE PEOPLE” intended as a (sick) joke?

    The sign also had a list of people and photos below the title. If she was speaking because she is on the list of “positive people”, then whoever made the list is wasting their money going to college. Ya can’t fix stupid.

  19. The freak on the right mentioned “Queer people of color”. I expect that to be appended to the LQGT…whatever it is…to be LGQT plus QPOC….then FUQPOC (fat ugly queer people of color)

    The original acronym of 4 letters will grow and grow till it includes every foul sub-sub-sub-culture in America.

    Yes, the queer people of color (QPOC) are an oppressed minority, oppressed, of course, by white males.

    Actually, they are not oppressed enough. I would like to oppress them to oblivion.


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