These Things Seem to Keep Happening – IOTW Report

These Things Seem to Keep Happening

Vision Times

A reporter for CTV News, a branch of Canada’s Bell Media conglomerate, suffered from significant cognitive decline and appeared to collapse during a live broadcast on Jan. 8.

The clip of CTV Edmonton’s Jessica Robb conducting a live segment from the field began making the rounds on Twitter where the personality, while discussing an update on a local court case, began to suffer from obvious speech impairment. Collapse

11 Comments on These Things Seem to Keep Happening

  1. No, no…….don’t tell me……let me guess……ummmm…..Jabbed! Yeah! That’s gotta be it! Jabbed! AmIRight?

  2. Another Operation Warp Speed injection that killed. There isn’t a day that goes by now where we aren’t hearing at least 2-3 OWS injuries or deaths. Their plan is working.


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