These Toads Have Been Roommates Too Long – IOTW Report

These Toads Have Been Roommates Too Long

The looks they shoot each other are priceless-

20 Comments on These Toads Have Been Roommates Too Long

  1. @BFH – @ 3:03 he sticks his tongue out! THAT was hilarious. What can we call the two of them??

    @ 4:28 that move for that kill. And the reaction, yes it IS priceless!


    We have to get some contained animal kingdom vids on Sunday…

  2. Toads are awesome pets. We had allergies as kids, and couldn’t have cats or dogs. So we’d catch toads, box turtles, and garter snakes, and keep ’em for the summer. Feeding ’em lightning bugs, and watching ’em glow INSIDE the toad was GREAT fun.

    To give you an idea of how old I am, we decided to name our toads after a guy we saw every night on the evening news in those days, because they seemed to have the same countenance: Henry Kissinger!

  3. That’s just how I imagine Hillary and Humma behaving after a few months sharing a prison cell.

    But there are many other satisfying intriguing fantasy pairings:

    Comey and Brennen
    Brennen and Klapper
    Schiff and Nadler
    Nancy and Maxine
    AOC and Ilhan Omar
    And so on.


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